
  • 网络thermal coal;Hot Coals
  1. 美国煤矿企业皮伯第能源(peabodyenergy)最近对印度的热煤需求作出了乐观的预测。

    Peabody energy , the US coal miner , has recently made bullish comments about demand from India for thermal coal .

  2. 另外,根据中国煤炭运销协会(coaltransportanddistributionassociation)的数据,中国公用事业单位的热煤库存上周升至相当于26天的消费用量,较去年同期的16天增加62.5%。

    Moreover , thermal coal stockpiles at Chinese utilities rose last week to the equivalent of 26 days of consumption , up 62.5 per cent from 16 days in the same period of a year ago , according to the China coal transport and Distribution Association .

  3. 煤炭价格上涨令很多市场参与者措手不及,此前他们押注于热煤价格经历又一个价格下跌之年。用于发电的热煤是嘉能可(Glencore)和力拓(RioTinto)等矿业公司的利润来源。

    The rally has wrongfooted many market participants who were betting on another year of falling prices for thermal coal , which is used to generate electricity and is a source of profits for mining houses such as Glencore and Rio Tinto .

  4. 热煤铺放在烤炉的底部。

    The hot coals are spread over the floor of the oven .

  5. 中国终将取代日本,成为世界最大的热煤进口国。

    It is poised to overtake Japan as the largest importer of thermal coal .

  6. 沐浴在温暖的热煤。

    Bask in the warm hot coals .

  7. 它们希望相信,热煤价格将上涨,因为很多企业一直限制产量。

    They want to believe that thermal coal prices will pick up since many have curbed production .

  8. 从理论上来说,随着发电站为过冬储备煤炭,热煤价格将攀升。

    In theory , thermal coal prices will climb as power stations stock up for the winter .

  9. 中国生产大量热煤,但多数都用于国内消费。

    China produces a huge amount of thermal coal , but most of this output is consumed domestically .

  10. 周四,欧洲热煤价格上涨5.5%,达到每吨129.25美元的两年高点。

    European thermal coal prices jumped 5.5 per cent on Thursday , reaching a two-year high of $ 129.25 a tonne .

  11. 矿业公司在过去十年里大举投资于热煤生产,以满足中国似乎永远无法满足的能源需求。

    Miners invested heavily in thermal coal production over the past decade to meet China 's seemingly insatiable demand for energy .

  12. 交易商称,欧洲冬季的到来也刺激了对用于发电的热煤的需求。

    The arrival of winter in Europe also boosted demand for thermal coal , used to fuel power plants , traders said .

  13. 正如花旗所指出的那样,尽管中国热煤价格上涨了11%,去年的价格却没有什么变化。

    As Citi points out , tariffs remained flat last year despite an 11 per cent increase in Chinese thermal coal prices .

  14. 他打开了锈蚀的烤炉门,解释了他怎样将劈柴装入烤炉,并将火点着以获得热煤。

    He opens its rusty door , and explains how he loads the oven with firewood and sets them aflame to get hot coals .

  15. 如今,三峡大坝每年的发电量足以替代5000万吨热煤,减少了1亿吨二氧化碳的排放。

    The Three Gorges dam is now producing enough electricity each year to replace 50m tonnes of thermal coal and reduce CO2 emissions by 100m tonnes .

  16. 介绍了方适合多种收费方式、多种热煤的供暖系统收费软件的开发原则、功能及特点。

    Presents the development principles , functions and characters of the heating-metering and charging software fitting for many charging methods and many kinds of heat media .

  17. 从全球来看,热煤产量下滑已持续一年多,价格暴跌迫使矿商取消新项目。

    Globally , thermal coal production has been declining for more than a year as the collapse in prices has forced miners to scrap new projects .

  18. 但中国买家的违约浪潮是在铁矿石、尤其是热煤价格下跌约10%、跌破关键阻力位之后才开始的。

    But the wave of defaults only started after iron ore and particularly thermal coal prices fell about 10 per cent , breaking key resistance levels .

  19. 过去两周,中国的热煤和铁矿石买家纷纷取消合同,令价格大幅下挫。

    Over the last two weeks , Chinese consumers of thermal coal and iron ore have been defaulting on their contracts , sending prices sharply down .

  20. 澳大利亚纽卡斯尔港的热煤价格(亚洲基准)跌至每吨93.5美元,为2010年10月以来最低。

    Thermal coal prices in the Australian port of Newcastle , the benchmark for Asia , fell to $ 93.5 a tonne , the lowest since October 2010 .

  21. 中国的指令还颠覆了这种普遍观点:中国热煤进口将低于去年购买的1.40亿吨。

    Beijing 's directive has also turned on its head the widely held view that Chinese imports of thermal coal would dwindle from the 140m tonnes purchased last year .

  22. 在美国,天然气产量下降及天然气价格上升,已重新引起人们对热煤的兴趣。目前,热煤发电量占美国发电总量的一半。

    Falling US natural gas production and high gas prices have reawakened interest in thermal coal in the US , where it accounts for half of all electricity generated .

  23. 上月发电量(衡量热煤需求的一个指标)仅增加0.7%,较2011年和今年早些时候的两位数增长率有明显下滑。

    Electricity production , a proxy for thermal coal needs , rose only 0.7 per cent last month , a large slowdown from double digit figures in 2011 and earlier this year .

  24. 自从今年3月中国宣布这项政策以来,热煤价格已上涨20%,中国交易商被迫抢购海运市场的货源或削减库存。

    Since the policy was announced in March , the price of thermal coal has risen by 20 per cent as Chinese traders have been forced to chase cargoes in the seaborne market or draw down stocks .

  25. 亚洲基准价格(从澳大利亚港口纽卡斯尔发运的热煤价格)较今年1月的低点上涨逾四分之一,如今位于每吨61美元的上方。

    The benchmark price for Asia - thermal coal shipped from the Australian port of Newcastle - is up by more than a quarter since its lows in January and now trades above $ 61 a tonne .

  26. 用最佳燃烧区约束控制以及燃烧空气量的动态前馈补偿控制,使热煤加热炉燃烧系统克服各种干扰的影响,长期维持热媒加热炉处于高效状态。

    A constrained burning region control loop with dynamic feed forward compensation of air flow rate is used for the burning system of heater to resist various interferences and to maintain the heater at best burning status for a long time .

  27. 今年6月,中国国内柴油、热煤、钢铁、塑胶、化学制品和大型家电的生产和消费,均已恢复至如果说没有超越的话2008年初经济繁荣时期的最高水平。

    Domestic production and consumption of diesel , thermal coal , steel , plastics , chemicals and white goods had all returned to , if not surpassed , the peak levels of the boom times of early 2008 by June this year .

  28. 这些环保检测是中国政府“向污染宣战”的一部分,再加上国产煤炭使用量上升的趋势,正导致中国煤炭进口大幅下降。中国是全球最大的热煤消费国。

    The environmental tests are part of Beijing 's " war on pollution , " and when combined with a trend towards increasing use of domestically produced coal , are leading to a dramatic decline in coal imports by China , the world 's biggest consumer of thermal coal .

  29. 这个煤气炉发出很大的热。煤燃烧和热解过程中As和Se的挥发实验

    This gas-fire gives out a good heat Experimental study of As and Se ′ s vaporization during coal combustion and pyrolysis

  30. 以固定床热解实验的结果作为参考,进而对其进行大工固体热载体煤热解实验,考察采用DG技术进行热解的最佳温度,并对热解产物进行分析研究。

    Referring to the results of fixed-bed experiment , pyrolysis experiment is done by using the solid hot carrier pyrolysis technique developed by Dalian University of Technology ( DG coal pyrolysis process ) to study the optimum temperature of pyrolysis and the products are analyzed .