
ɡāo yánɡ ròu
  • lamb;lamb meat
  1. 最近在伦敦Hixter餐厅享用晚餐时,主厨朗尼·莫瑞(RonnieMurray)以一盘朗塞斯顿羔羊肉和有肉质口感的鸡油菌,来搭配七田谦介的“纯米75”。

    At a recent dinner at Hixter , a restaurant here , the head chef , Ronnie Murray , paired a plate of Launceston lamb and meaty girolle mushrooms with Mr. Shichida 's 75 Junmai , a full-bodied sake that uses unpolished rice , a rarity even in Japan .

  2. 采购:冷冻羔羊肉,鸡肉罐头,牛肉罐头。

    Buy : Frozen lamb , Canned chicken , Canned beef .

  3. 结果表明:5月龄杂交羔羊肉品质得到明显改善,特别是蛋白质、脂肪和氨基酸含量变化尤为明显,且杂交二代优于杂交一代,杂交组合SA优于DA。

    The result indicated that meat quality of hybrid lamb at 5 month old was evident improved , especially their protein , fat and amino acid . Their 2 generations are superior to 1 generations and SA is better than DA in their hybrid model .

  4. 新鲜的叶子,用于煎蛋卷、细切和羔羊肉中。

    Fresh leaves used in omelets and fritters and with lamb .

  5. 将所有的原料与羔羊肉混合在一起。

    Mix all the dry ingredients together with the lamb mince .

  6. 富含共轭亚油酸羔羊肉营养调控的研究进展

    Research advance on nutritional regulation of lamb meat enriched conjugated linoleic acid

  7. 肉商:您要牛肉还是要羔羊肉?

    Bucher : Do you want beef or lamb meat ?

  8. 百日龄羔羊肉生产研究

    Study on Producing Lamb Meat of 100 Day Old

  9. 一般地说,我喜欢羔羊肉胜过猪肉。

    Generally speaking , I prefer lamb to pork .

  10. 采购:肉加工机械,羔羊肉,牛肉,羊肉。

    Buy : Machinery for meat processing , Lamb , Beef , Mutton .

  11. 搭配牛肉、乳酪及羔羊肉十分理想。

    Ideally suited to beef , cheese and lamb .

  12. 羔羊肉蒸粗麦粉的配料是什么?

    What are the ingredients in couscous with lamb ?

  13. 星期一的特色菜是鸡,星期二是羔羊肉等等。

    Monday 's special was chicken , tuesday 's lamb , and so forth .

  14. 你要牛肉还是要羔羊肉?

    Do you want beef or lamb ?

  15. 羔羊肉太热,不能吃/羔羊热得不能吃东西

    The lamb is too hot to eat

  16. 形状像大麦粒的面食;在瑞典烹调法中,经常与羔羊肉一起同吃。

    Pasta shaped like pearls of barley ; frequently prepared with lamb in Greek cuisine .

  17. 这家酒店羔羊肉很出色。

    This hotel serves nice lamb .

  18. 羔羊肉做成的咖哩粉。

    Curry made with lamb .

  19. 羔羊肉:出生不到一年的小羊以及这种动物的肉。

    Lamb : live sheep before the age of one year , and the flesh of such animals .

  20. 黎巴嫩的菜肴中有大量家禽和肉类,特别是羔羊肉(可烤制或者是炖制)。

    Lebanese cuisine relies heavily on poultry and meat , especially lamb , grilled or served in a stew .

  21. 许多国家养羊是为了吃肉(羔羊肉或大羊肉)及剪毛。

    Sheep are raised in many countries for their meat ( lamb or mutton ) and for their wool .

  22. 人们在帐篷城组织了传统复活节羔羊肉餐,分发意大利鸽子形复活节蛋糕。

    Traditional Easter meals of lamb were organized in the camps and Italian dove-shaped Easter cake was also handed out .

  23. 我喜欢羔羊肉,可我丈夫不喜欢。肉商:来点牛排吗?这块很好。

    I like lamb , but my husband doesn ' t.What about some steak ? This is a nice piece .

  24. 不,我不要蔬菜,我想吃肉。我试试羔羊肉吧。

    No , no vegetables for me . I want some meat . I 'll try the lamb , please .

  25. 可供选择的美味火锅有内蒙古特色火锅——最有名的是羔羊肉和羊肉火锅,以及辛辣的四川火锅。

    Its excellent selections range from Mongolian specialties - best known for lamb and mutton dishes - and spicy Szechuan .

  26. 菜上得很快,我埋头大吃我点的美味羔羊肉,而福山吃得很慢,边吃边思考怎么回答问题。

    The food arrives quickly and I tuck into my excellent lamb while Fukuyama eats slowly as he thinks about his answers .

  27. 《商业旅行家》理查德·奎斯特:我点了羔羊肉,你点了意式炖饭,但是你又点了汤,那么我就……

    RICHARD QUEST , BUSINESS TRAVELLER : Well , I had the lamb and you had the risotto , but you had the soup , and then I had ...

  28. 烤羊肉卷——烤制而成的切碎的羔羊肉——是采用泥炉炭火烹饪法烹制而成的常见食物,而这个国家沿海地区的美食则以咖喱(辣味)鱼或对虾而出名。

    Grilled minced lamb , seekh kebabs , are the staple of Tandoori cooking , while the nation 's coastal regions are renowned for masala ( spiced ) fish or prawns .

  29. 至于哪一种食物最能够从这种木炭中获益,冈崎先生说出了一长串食物的名字,包括神户牛肉、羔羊肉以及日式烧鸡。最后停在了sabashioyakai(椒盐鲭鱼)上,他认为这样菜最好地展现了木头的微妙香味。

    As to which foods benefit most from Kishu Binchotan , Okazaki rattled off a list including wagyu beef , lamb and yakitori , but landed on saba shioyakai ( salted mackerel ) as the dish he thinks best reveals the subtle aroma of wood .

  30. 黎巴嫩的菜肴中有大量家禽和肉类,特别是羔羊肉(可烤制或者是炖制)。黎巴嫩的酒业也在不断发展,但你只能在被递上酒单时点酒,因为传统伊斯兰法律一般禁止饮酒

    Lebanese cuisine relies heavily on poultry and meat , especially lamb , grilled or served in a stew . Lebanon also has a growing wine industry , but only order if you 're handed a wine menu ; traditional Islamic law generally prohibits drinking alcohol .
