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  • yarn;gauze;sheer
  • 用棉麻纤维、化学纤维等纺成的细缕,用它可以捻成线或织成布:棉~。纺~。

  • 经纬线稀疏或有小孔的纺织品:羽~。窗~。~布。~帽(古代文官戴的一种帽子,后作官职的代称。亦称“乌纱帽”)。

  • 像纱布的:铁~。塑料~。


(棉花、麻等纺成的较松的细丝) yarn:

  • 棉纱

    cotton yarn;

  • 一束纱

    a skein of yarn


(经纬线很稀的织物) gauze; sheer:

  • 窗纱

    gauze for screening windows;

  • 铁纱

    wire gauze

  1. 工艺纱理事会报告说,如今年龄在25岁至35岁之间的女士中有三分之一的人在编织或钩织。

    The Craft Yarn Council reports that a third of women ages 25-35 now knit or crochet .

  2. 一位女士在患了引发手部剧痛的自身免疫疾病以后,被鼓励尝试编织,她在工艺纱理事会的网站上汇报说,她的手现在不那么僵硬和疼痛了。

    A woman encouraged to try knitting and crocheting after developing an autoimmune disease that caused a lot of hand pain reported on the Craft Yarn Council site that her hands are now less stiff and painful .

  3. 她穿着镶白色网眼纱边的衣服美极了。

    She was a vision in white lace .

  4. 伴娘身着杏黄色和白色相间的透明硬纱礼服。

    The bridesmaids wore apricot and white organza

  5. 她摘下面纱。

    She dropped her veil .

  6. 自20世纪90年代以来,工艺纱理事会调查了成千上万的编织者和钩织者,他们经常把缓解压力和创造性满足列为这些活动的主要收获。

    Since the 1990s , the council has surveyed hundreds of thousands of knitters and crocheters , who routinely list stress relief and creative fulfillment as the activities ' main benefits .

  7. 在许多穆斯林国家,妇女们蒙面纱。

    In many Muslim countries , the women wear veils .

  8. 采购产品纱,织物,披肩,纺织品废物,刺绣品和刺绣,软件设计

    Yarn , Fabrics , Shawls , Textile Waste , Embroidery and Embroiders , Software Design .

  9. Modal细特涤纶羊绒混纺纱的试纺及成纱性能

    Spinning and Property of Modal Fine Count Polyester Cashmere Blended Yarn

  10. 水溶性维纶纤维(PVA)及其与棉交并纱的水溶解性能

    Water soluble properties of PVA fiber and yarn of cotton / PVA fiber

  11. PVA强力纱的开发

    The production of PVA high tenacity yarn

  12. 本研究采用改进的环锭纺细纱机,纱芯使用PVA短纤纺制的细纱,外面包覆棉纤维。

    A PVA yarn is used as the core and cotton fibers form the sheath .

  13. PTT短纤纱性能研究

    Study on the properties of PTT staple yarn

  14. 在推出两季大胆出位的婚纱设计后,VeraWang再一次回归白纱礼服,让人不禁眼前一亮。

    After two seasons of bold and totally unexpected bridal collections , Vera Wang surprised us again by showing ...

  15. 指出:采用国产V型牵伸装置,合理配置纺纱工艺,可以改善成纱质量,降低条干CV值。

    The result shows that domestic V type draft set with reasonable spinning processing can improve yarn quality and reduce evenness CV .

  16. 测得其的绞纱品质指标(CSP)和单纱相对强力(RS)。

    Determining the quality indexes ( CSP ) of the yarn in hank and its relative tensile strength ( RS ) .

  17. 用相同粗纱采用传统环锭纺和Elite紧密纺纺制CJ14.5tex纱,对两种纱线进行了性能测试对比。

    Spinning CJ 14.5 tex yarn with same roving using traditional ring spinning and Elite compact spinning , property test of these two yarns is compared .

  18. 目的:观察美宝湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)纱条对膀胱腹壁尿瘘的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the efficacy of MEBO gauze in treating vesicoabdominal wall urinary fistula .

  19. 用EIB对不同超喂率下空变纱外观形态的研究

    Research on the textured yarn profile of different feeding speed by using EIB

  20. 通过对神经网络的学习,以及算法的比较研究,得出采用BP网络是构成神经网络清纱器的优选方案。

    After the study on Neural Networks and compare the algorism , I have realized its optimized scheme is BP ( back propagation learning algorithm ) Neural Networks for clearing yarn faults .

  21. 半精纺Outlast纤维/羊绒混纺纱的研制开发

    Development of Semi-worsted blended Yarn of air-conditioned fiber and cashmere

  22. 通过在传统环锭纺细纱机上加装纺纱附件,研制出一种生产低扭矩纱(扭妥TM纱)的新型纺纱方法。

    Put a attachment on conventional ring spinning frame , a lower torsion moment yarn ( Nu-Torque TM yarn ) was produced by this new spinning method .

  23. DianixACE型分散染料染浅色涤棉筒子纱

    Light Color Polyester Cotton Cheese Dyeing with Dianix ACE Disperse Dye

  24. Sirospun纺单纱纱线结构和捻度分布的分析

    Analysis of yarn Structre and Twist Distribution of Sirospun Single Yarn

  25. 动态热机械分析仪的TMA模式表明山羊绒单纱在219℃发生收缩,在230℃发生突变伸长。

    The TMA mode of Dynamic Thermal Mechanical Analyzer shows that cashmere yarn contracts at 219 ℃ and abruptly extends at 230 ℃ .

  26. 通过讨论织物中经纬纱的绒毛长度、绒毛方向、绒毛密度、绒毛控制点等参数的设置,采用低阶的Bezier曲线拟合绒毛,实现了织物起毛效果的仿真;

    By setting the parameters of fluff length , fluff direction , fluff density and fluff control points , the fabric fluff appearance simulation is offered by fitting lower order Bezier curves .

  27. DQSS系列清纱监测装置联网的实现

    The realization of DQSS series electronic yarn clearer network

  28. 对生活污水、重油催化废水、针织染纱废水和大化焦化废水等有很好的除浊功能和较好的COD去除效果。

    And it also has a high ability to remove the turbidity of domestic sewage , catalyzed dead oil wastewater , dyeing wastewater in knitting plant and wastewater generated in the coking process in chemical plant and to degrade their values of COD .

  29. 结果表明:大豆蛋白纤维含量为40%时,大豆蛋白纤维与涤纶混纺纱的实际分布与均匀分布Onion指数差异率最大,大豆蛋白纤维有效利用率最高。

    The result shows & when the blending ratio of soybean protein fiber is 40 % , the difference rate of Onion index between practical distribution and evenness distribution is biggest , effective utilization of soybean protein fiber is highest .

  30. 分析了MVS涡流喷气纱微观结构形态,探讨了涡流喷气纱捻度概念及其测试方法。

    The microscopic structure of MVS ( votex spun yarn ) is analyzed in this paper , and the concept and twist test method of votex spun yarn are discussed .