- screen door

[screen door] 带金属网或织品网的框架,用于门上阻挡虫子
The screen door shut gently .
The man who put in the screen door became a handyman .
screen We have screens at the windows to keep out flies .
He heard the screen slam as she left .
The children stuck holes in the screen door .
And the fifth is the so-called leisure gate .
The screened porch where one might sit in peace during the mosquitoey seasons
What 's a screen door between us ?
I 'm sorry I never fixed the screen door . I fixed it now .
Go get them . Miss Bee pointed to a sign on the screen door .
Beats me what they 're called ; just a spring for an old-fashioned screen door .
Trembling violently , a wet and frightened little poodle lay wedged between the door and the screen .
The screen door on the main building sprang open , and a short , slender woman appeared .
He heard the porch screen door tap shut and felt his wife watching him as he watched the night .
These measures include eliminating habitats-such as standing water-for breeding , and screening doors and windows for protection from mosquitoes .
They lunged at the screen door with such force that it opened , and they tore out into the yard .
Our screen door slammed and I could tell she was on the phone with my father at his hardware store .
" We found him lodged between the door and the screen during the big tornado of '25 ," said my brother .
The ratio of annual usage of repellent incense and insecticide for houses with or without door-window screen were 2.31 to 10.23 and 1.20 to 2.52 , respectively .
As I swung the screen door open and stepped out on the back porch , a big brown dog ran up the steps , his long tongue hanging out .
But the screen door to the main building sprang open , and a tiny woman in a blue turtleneck and jeans appeared . A hammer hung on her belt .
" Get up !" my mother whispers again . " the sunrise is glorious !" careful not to let the screen door slam , she sets off down to the lake .
" Then we can start dreaming , can 't we ?" She sort of smiled at me . I said to the man who did the work ," How do you feel ?"
Results : In kitchens and dining - rooms with facilities such as screening doors and windows , vertical air curtain doors the top non - fly rate reached 45.5 % and 44.4 % respectively .
But all the windows and screen doors of those villas are locked . I guess , the rich probably are not accustomed to the chill winter in the countryside , and all have flocked to the bustling city .
The girl was found after her mother , kidnap victim Amanda Berry , 26 , climbed through a screen door on Monday afternoon while her alleged captor was out and fled to a neighbor 's home to call 911 .