
  • 网络Beneficiation efficiency;efficiency of concentration
  1. 轨道剪切与选矿效率数学模型

    Mathematical Model of the Orbital Shear and the Mineral Processing Efficiency

  2. 提高铁矿石选矿效率途径的思考

    Thinking on Ways to Improve Iron Ore Beneficiation Efficiency

  3. 本文所叙述的光电-放射性联合分选方法是在一台设备上相继进行光电分选与放射性分选以提高选矿效率的新方法。

    A new radiometric-photometric sorting method for raising sorting efficiency of uraniferous ore is described .

  4. 闭路试验时,钼回收率提高了3.43%,总的选矿效率提高了1.77%。

    Molybdenum recovery raised 3.43 % , and the total mineral processing efficiency raised 1.77 % in close circuit test .

  5. 工业应用和试验表明,这些新型高效磁选设备对于提高选厂的选矿效率,增加企业经济效益起了重要作用。

    It shows that these new type high efficiency drum magnetic separators play an important role in improving mineral processing efficiency and economic benefit .

  6. 并分析了横流皮带溜精选矿效率与振动参数的关系,建立了选矿效率与偏重锤重量及转速之间的数学模型。

    Analyse the relation between the dressing efficiency and the vibration parameters and establish the mathematic model of dressing efficiency , partial hammer weight and its rotation velocity .

  7. 为了掌握细菌的生长特性,提高生物选矿的效率,本文对作者筛选到的脱硅细茵B.mucilaginosusLv(1-2)的生长和培养条件进行了研究。

    In order to manage the growth characteristics of the bacteria and to enhance the beneficiation efficiency , the cultural conditions of B.mucilaginosusLv_ ( 1-2 ) were studied in this paper .

  8. 而选矿过程的工作效率主要取决于磨矿作业对矿石粉碎细化的能力以及浮选作业对精矿的回收率。

    The efficiency of mineral processing mainly depends on the grinding capability of grinding process and recovery rate of floatation process .