
  • 网络promoter analysis
  1. 启动子分析表明:肉鸡和蛋鸡myostatin基因启动子间存在活性差异,并且这种差异与细胞环境和启动子本身均有关。

    Promoter analysis indicates that there are some activity differences between broiler and layer myostatin promoters , and these differences are related to cell environment and promoter sequences .

  2. CaMKⅡα基因在猴脑不同区域的特异性表达及其启动子分析

    Region Specific Expression of CaMK ⅱα Gene in Monkey Brain and Its Promoter Analysis

  3. 启动子分析表明该基因可能受内源激素的调控。

    Promoter analysis showed that the expression of this gene might be regulated by endogenous hormones .

  4. 启动子分析发现,参与糖代谢的多数基因的启动子中有糖响应元件。

    The analysis of promoters of sugar metabolism genes indicates several sugar response elements in most promoters .

  5. 杆状病毒泛素、多角体基因启动子分析及表达系统的应用

    Promoter Analysis of Baculovirus Ubiquitin and Polyhedrin Gene as Well as the Application of BmNPV-Silkworm Expression System

  6. 本研究首次将瞬时转染技术应用于灵芝基因启动子分析,对实验室前期获得的灵芝三萜生物合成途径中的关键酶灵芝鲨烯合酶基因的启动子进行了分析。

    In this study , we initially applied transient transfection technology into G. lucidum gene promoter analysis and analyzed the promoter of squalene synthase .

  7. 利用启动子分析软件在人类转录因子数据库中搜索可能存在的顺式结构;

    Online promoter analysis tools of TESS and Genomax were used to search possible sequence of transcriptional start site and message RNA sequence were fished out .

  8. 用DNA直接测序法对先证者及其家庭成员F基因的全部外显子和其侧翼以及启动子进行分析,寻找基因突变;

    F ⅶ gene mutations were analysed in the proband and her family members by DNA direct sequencing .

  9. Nodal基因5′末端侧翼序列启动子的分析

    Analysis of the Mouse Nodal Gene Promoter on Its 5 ' Flanking Sequence

  10. 斑节对虾亲环素A(cyclophilinA)基因的克隆及启动子序列分析

    Cloning and analysis of cyclophilin A gene and its promoter sequence in black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon

  11. 人细胞周期相关激酶(CCRK)启动子的分析和特征研究

    Human cell cycle-related kinase ( CCRK ) promoter : analysis and characterization

  12. 一种基于特征筛选的原核生物启动子判别分析方法

    A discriminant analysis method for prokaryotic promoter regions based on feature selection

  13. 对这3个启动子的分析结果表明,它们都含有丰富的启动子顺式作用元件。

    Analysis results showed that they all contain many important cis-acting regulatory elements .

  14. 抗除草剂草甘膦转基因水稻的鉴定和水稻启动子的分析

    Development of Glyphosate-Resistant Transgenic Rice with a Synthetic EPSPs Gene and Analysis of Rice Promoters

  15. 本文利用最大团算法整合基因表达芯片数据与启动子序列分析的生物信息学方法构建拟南芥花药基因调控网络。

    In the present paper , based on the Maximum-clique algorithm , we used a bioinformatics approach that integrates the analysis of gene expression data with the prediction of transcription factor binding sites in the promoter regions , to construct a gene regulatory network .

  16. HBeAg/HBeAb双阳性者血清病毒C基因启动子热点变异分析

    The mutations of hepatitis B virus core promoter gene isolated from both HBeAg and HBeAb positive patients

  17. MD-2基因启动子区SNP分析及其与LPS反应的关系

    Analysis of SNPs in MD-2 Promoter and Their Relationship with LPS Response

  18. 小型猪生长激素基因启动子区SNPs分析

    Analysis of SNPs in Promoter Region of Growth Hormone ( GH ) Gene in Minipigs

  19. 已有大量的GRP基因被分离鉴定,并对一些GRP基因的启动子进行了分析。

    Many GRP genes were separated and identified , and some promoters of the GRP genes were analysed .

  20. 启动子驱动GUS分析表明,BC3的表达和次生细胞壁的合成是直接相关的。

    From promoter-GUS analyses , it was suggested that BC3 expression is directly correlated with active secondary cell wall synthesis .

  21. 小鼠锌指蛋白基因ZF-12的克隆与基因结构以及5′端启动子活性的分析

    Cloning , Genomic Organization and Promoter Activity of the Mouse Zinc Finger Protein Gene ZF-12

  22. SEFA-PCR法克隆灵芝鲨烯合酶基因启动子及其序列分析

    Cloning and sequence analysis of promoter region of squalene synthase gene from Ganoderma lucidum by SEFA-PCR

  23. 大肠杆菌启动子序列特征分析与识别方法的研究

    Feature Analysis and Recognition Method Research of Escherichia Coli Promoter

  24. 竹节花黄斑驳病毒启动子的缺失分析及功能

    Deletion analysis and functional studies of the promoter from Commelina yellow mottle virus

  25. FAE1启动子的功能分析

    Function Analysis of FAE 1 Promoter

  26. 种子特异表达启动子的克隆分析及其植物表达载体的构建

    Cloning and Analysis of Seeds Oil-body-specific Promoter from the Brassica napus and Construction of Plant Expression Vector

  27. 笋瓜韧皮部特异性启动子的克隆分析及新型植物表达载体构建

    Cloning and analysis of the Phloem Specific Promoter from Cucurbita max / ma and construction of new plant expression vector

  28. 重庆地区汉族CD14启动子区多态性分析

    Polymorphism in CD14 promoter region in Han population in Chongqing

  29. BCR基因5'启动子区多态性分析

    Polymorphism Analysis of 5 ′ Promotor Region of BCR Gene

  30. PPARδ启动子克隆及活性分析

    Cloning and Analyzing The Promoter of PPAR δ