
  • 网络heuristic search;Heuristic search algorithm
  1. 最后用MATLAB编程验证启发式搜索算法特征选择的有效性。

    The program of MATLAB proves the availability of heuristic search algorithm for selecting the optimal feature subset .

  2. 利用支配关系的定义证明Pareto适应度函数判断非支配点的有效性,并在此基础上结合序列近似模型技术和启发式搜索算法研究了两种基于Pareto解集的多目标优化方法。

    Two Pareto multi-objective optimization methods are put forward by combined the sequence approximate model technology and heuristic search algorithm .

  3. 描述了如何使用面向对象语言Java来设计启发式搜索算法。

    The paper describes how to design heuristic searching algorithm by using object-oriented language Java .

  4. 禁忌搜索算法(TabuSearch,TS)是一种亚启发式搜索算法。

    Tabu search ( TS ) algorithm is a meta-heuristic algorithm .

  5. 本文提出了模糊广义与或图FAOG的线性存贮空间的模糊启发式搜索算法LFAO~(FAO~withLinearSpace)。算法LFAO~是算法FAO~的改进算法,它不仅具有可采纳性,而且存贮空间是线性的。

    Presents the improved admissible algorithm LFAO ( FAO with linear Space ) of fuzzy heuristic search algorithm FAO .

  6. 模S下的AND/OR图的启发式搜索算法NAO

    And / or graph heuristic search algorithm Nao based on norm s

  7. 本文利用Web网页分布群聚性的特点,结合巩固学习方法,提出了一种新的启发式搜索算法。

    Based on the survey of current intelligent search engine , combined with reinforcement learning technique , the characteristic of similar web pages ' distribution is used to present a heuristic search algorithm based on simulated annealing .

  8. 本文推广启发式搜索算法公式,提出了一种基于费用和延迟的加权启发式QoS路由选择算法。

    In this paper , the formula of heuristic search algorithms is generalized , and a weighted heuristic QoS routing selection algorithm based on cost and delay is presented .

  9. 首先,利用启发式搜索算法,得到优化的基于RBF核函数和多项式核函数支持向量机子模型。

    Firstly , a heuristic searching algorithm is presented , which is valuable for getting the support vector machines submodels based on RBF and polynomial kernel functions .

  10. 具有线性存储空间的启发式搜索算法SRA

    Heuristic Search Algorithm SRA With Linear Space

  11. 通过对GIS中最短路径理论和实现算法的分析和研究,该文对传统的Dijkstra算法和启发式搜索算法A算法进行了详细的探讨,并说明了各自的特点及适用条件。

    First , with the analysis and research on the shortest path theory and implementation algorithm , the paper explains elaborately the traditional Dijkstra algorithm and A algorithm .

  12. 免疫遗传算法IGA(ImmuneGeneticAlgorithm)是借鉴生命科学中免疫的概念与理论提出的一种智能算法,它将免疫机理引入基本遗传算法(SimpleGeneticAlgorithm),是一种启发式搜索算法。

    Immune Genetic Algorithm , IGA , is one of intelligent Algorithms that being brought forward from immune conception and theory in life sciences . It is a heuristic Algorithm that the immune mechanism is introduced into simple genetic algorithm .

  13. 本文提出一个新的启发式搜索算法,它可以在搜索过程中不断改善启发函数h,使最坏复杂度降为O(N)(N是被搜索图的大小)。

    In this paper . a new heuristic search algorithm is presented . It is able to improve the heuristic function during the searching and it has an O ( N ) worst-case complexity ( N is the size of the graph searched ) .

  14. 研究了CADCAM集成系统中孔加工刀具路径的优化问题,利用图论中旅行商问题的数学模型,采用启发式搜索算法,对加工中心上多孔加工刀具路径进行了优化。

    The optimization of tool path of holes manufacturing in CAD / CAM system is investigated . Utilizing classical " Traveling Salesman Issue " mathematical model , tool path for manufacturing many holes in machining center is optimized with heuristic searching arithmetic .

  15. 在分析、评价常用主题搜索ROBOT爬行策略的基础上,将三重过滤技术与改进的Shark启发式搜索算法相结合,设计了自动主题搜索引擎ROBOT的综合爬行策略。

    Based on analyzing and evaluating on strategies of subject searching ROBOT in common use , an auto integrative crawling strategy of subject searching ROBOT was designed by combing treble filtrating technique with modified heuristic searching arithmetic of Shark in this paper .

  16. 在分析Internet上软件Agent技术应用存在问题的基础上,提出了加权的统计启发式搜索算法和概率逻辑神经网络的AZ模型,并应用数学方法对算法进行了详细证明。

    Under the analysis of software agent 's techniques on Internet applications , two algorithms named Weighted Statistical Heuristic Search and AZ Model of Probability logic Neural Networks are proposed . Details of the two algorithms are proved using mathematic methods .

  17. 通过对经典Dijkstra算法、Floyd算法和启发式搜索算法这三个算法的深入讨论,论证了本文所提出的改进的限定搜索区域的Dijkstra算法用于动态路径诱导的有效性。

    In the article we discussed the Dijkstra Algorithm 、 the Floyd Algorithm and the Heuristic Searching Algorithm and proved the validity of the modified and defined Dijkstra Algorithm .

  18. 这种方法简化了Petri网的构造,给出了一个清晰的资源调度流程,并且辅助资源的分配可以在调度的同时利用启发式搜索算法给出。

    The method simplified the Petri net 's construction and gave a clear flow chart for scheduling . Hence , the auxiliary resource allocation could be easily carried out according to the schedule , which was proposed by heuristic search algorithm .

  19. 基于反复加深的学习式启发式搜索算法Learning-IDA和Learning-PIDA

    Learning Heuristic Search Algorithms Learning-IDA & Learning-PIDA Based on Iterative-Deepening

  20. 共同进化算法是一种启发式搜索算法,它的发展时间虽然不长,但已经成功地应用到一些组合优化问题中,包括许多NP困难问题。

    Cooperative co-evolutionary algorithm ( CCA ) is a heuristic search algorithm . Although it has not been developed for a long time , it has been successfully applied in many combinatorial optimization problem including many that are NP-hard .

  21. 广义与或树的启发式搜索算法BTAO

    Heuristic search algorithm BTAO for general and / or tree

  22. 提出了一种基于启发式搜索算法、遗传算法和禁忌搜索算法的混合遗传算法,通过对大量置换Flow-shopBenchmark问题进行实验仿真,证明算法是有效的。

    Secondly , a new heuristic search algorithm , genetic algorithm and tabu search algorithm based hybrid algorithm is presented , and finally it is proved effective through making experiments with a lot of permutation Flow-shop Benchmark problems .

  23. 蚁群算法作为一种新的启发式搜索算法,大量实验结果表明,它在解许多NP-hard问题时都表现出较好的求解能力。

    ACO ( Ant Colony Optimization ), as a meta-heuristic approach , although it has not got any solid theoretical foundation , has exhibited it 's excellent performance and efficiency on solving a great lot of NP-hard problems .

  24. 多阶段区间模糊决策问题的λ模糊启发式搜索算法IFDA

    Interval fuzzy multi-stage decision problems

  25. 蚁群算法是利用群体智能解决实际问题的一个典型实例。20世纪90年代由意大利的Dorigo等学者提出,是继遗传算法、模拟退火、神经网络之后的一种新的元启发式搜索算法。

    Ant colony algorithm is a typical example which uses swarm intelligence to solve practical problems , it was first proposed by the Italian scholar Dorigo 90 years in the 20th century .

  26. 与其他常用的超启发式搜索算法如禁忌搜索和模拟退火的比较表明,GLS在此类问题的求解质量、求解速度和算法鲁棒性方面具有较好的综合性能。

    As compared with ( other ) ( common ) used meta-heuristics such as Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing , Guided Local Search shows notable ( better ) ( performance ) as to solution quality , solving rapidity and algorithm robustness .

  27. 提出了以正向链接为主导的启发式搜索算法(HFCA),有效减低了传统纯反向链搜索的无序性。

    The Heuristic Forward-Chaining Algorithm ( HFCA ) for the searching of delegation chain is proposed , which effectively ease the blindness in pure backward-chaining algorithms .

  28. 求图的最大独立集的启发式搜索算法

    A heuristic search algorithm for finding maximun independent set of Graphs

  29. 基于可靠性分析的公交出行路径启发式搜索算法

    Heuristic Algorithm for Searching Public Transit Paths Based on Reliability Analysis

  30. 实时启发式搜索算法一直是实时人工智能感兴趣的研究问题。

    Real-time heuristic search algorithm is an interesting topic in real-time AI .