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  1. 我就去试试。阿蜜道,这个计策正中她的下怀。

    " I 'll try ," said Amy , for the advice suited her .

  2. 佛教提出六道:天道、阿修罗道、人道、畜牲道、饿鬼道和地狱道。

    Six realms of existence are identified in buddhism : gods , demigods , humans , animals , hungry ghosts , and hells .

  3. 以色列家阿,我的道岂不公平么。

    Are My ways unjust , O house of Israel ?

  4. 阿罗汉能作是念:“我得阿罗汉道”不?

    Can an Arhat have this thought ( in his mind ): I have obtained the enlightenment of an Arhat ?