
  • 网络Huatian;alex hua tian
  1. 我是华天,奥运会中国队马术三项赛选手。我现在在英国集训。

    I 'm Alex Hua Tian , an Olympic Chinese event rider , and I train and live in Britain .

  2. 产品注册商标为“ZWHZZ”。华天轴承公司拥有雄厚的技术实力和丰富的轴承制造经验。

    The produce is registered trademark as " ZWHZZ " It has great skill and rich manufacture experience , complete processing equipment and advance production craft .

  3. 最后一部分是加强邵阳市东方华天大酒店员工培训的建议。

    The last part is the suggestions to strengthen the training .

  4. 贵阳国华天成磷业有限公司办公自动化系统的设计

    Design of OA System for Guiyang Guohua-Tiancheng Phosphorus Industry Corporation

  5. 明清之际在华天主教士研习汉语研究

    Research on Catholics ' Studying Chinese in China during Ming and Qing Dynasties

  6. 天水华天微电子有限公司。

    Tianshui Huatian Microelectronics Co. , Ltd.

  7. 1840年到1919年是法国在华天主教教会教育的大发展时期。

    From 1840 to 1919 , it is a prosperity term of French parochial education in China .

  8. 最后,文章对加强邵阳市东方华天大酒店员工培训的建议进行了小结2.主要观点(1)经济型酒店的发展,经济型酒店人才的需求,使经济型酒店培训的研究迫在眉睫。

    At last , it makes a summary of strengthening the staff training in Oriental Haitian hotel . 2 .

  9. 伊顿公学是英国最贵的私立学校之一。学校给了华天一年的假期来专心练习马术。

    Eton , one of Britain 's most exclusive fee-paying schools , gave Hua Tian a year off to concentrate on his riding .

  10. 为尽地主之谊,我们略备了薄酒,恭请各位领导、各位来宾前往华天大酒店宴会厅共进晚餐。

    As the host , we are honored to prepare a small dinner in the Huatian Hotel to welcome all the leaders and guests .

  11. 潇湘华天楼顶是个直升机起降台,登高望远,晴天时山水洲城尽收眼底。

    The roof of Xiaoxiang Huatian Hotel is a place for helicopters to park and take off , and you can go there to get a panoramic view of Changsha City .

  12. 华天隆总部位于珠海市,毗邻香港、澳门、广州,是珠三角地区的中心地带。

    HTL 's headquarter locates in Zhuhai , Guangdong Province , the heart area of Great Pearl River Delta Region , with easy access to Hong Kong , Macao and Guangzhou .

  13. 就宗教而言,法国在华天主教的传教活动所导致的教案一方面加剧了中法政治冲突,另一方面加速了清王朝的崩溃。

    As to religion , the religious cases concerned by the missionary works which were arranged by the French catholic in China not only aggravated the Sino-French political conflict , but also accelerated the collapse of the Qing Dynasty .

  14. 华天在记者会上表示,对于自己在比赛中意外落马,一度感到愤怒和心情低落,但当知道现场有很多人支持他后,他感到特别欣慰,目前心情也已恢复过来。

    " I 'm feeling much better now ," said Hua at a press conference Wednesday afternoon , adding that he was angry about himself to have made the mistake , but felt happy to have support from the spectators .