
  1. 构建绿色屏障发展高效林业&全国首家现代林业示范区在浙江湖州启动

    The First Modern Forestry Model District Will Be Built in Huzhou

  2. 生态林业、高效林业与林业分类经营

    On Ecological Forestry , Beneficial Forestry and Classified Forest Management

  3. 辽宁西部地区河滩地高效林业生产技术研究

    Techniques for High Efficient Forest Along River Banks in Western Liaoning Province

  4. 景宁县高效林业发展初探

    Inquiry to High Efficient Development of Forestry in Jingning

  5. 陇中半干旱区多功能高效林业模式的研究

    Studies on the multifunctional and high efficiency forestry model in semi-arid region of Gansu Province

  6. 林业持续发展与高效林业

    Forestry sustainable development with high efficiency

  7. 利用具有稳定优势的树种,建立一批高效林业的支柱产业;

    Utilize the species which have stable superiority , establish a group pillar industries of efficient forestry ;

  8. 本文讨论了高效林业的概念、特点及其内容,提出了建设原则与措施。

    This paper discusses the concept , characteristics and contents of the high effect forestry . It puts forward principles and steps to build the high effect forestry .

  9. 在实践操作中,应该以社会林业的组织形式组织,用高效林业的经营手段指导,混农林业的技术形式组装以及生态林业的经营观点去导向。

    In practice , it should be organized in the form of social forestry and directed by the principle of the high efficient forestry , Besides , agro-forestry and ecological forestry could be applied to .

  10. 山东省发展高效生态林业的设想

    The Principles Behind the Highly-Effective Development of Eco-forestry in Shandong Province

  11. 山东农区高效生态林业最佳模式配置的探讨

    Inquiry to Optimal Model of High Efficiency Ecological Forestry in Agricultural Region of Shandong Province

  12. 现代高效持续林业&中国林业发展道路的抉择

    Modern high effective sustainable forestry decision on the way of development of china 's forestry

  13. 通过发展高效生态林业,使林业与其相关行业和谐、调、平发展,实现山东林业的可持续发展。

    Through developing highly effective eco-forestry , a balance has been brought to forestry development and related fields , the realization of sustainable development of forestry in Shandong province .

  14. 桂东丘陵高效生态林业工程配套技术&高效生态经济型植物的引种、选择与合理配置的效益分析

    A Complete Set of Plantation Techniques for the High-Efficiency Ecological Forestry Engineering in the Eastern Hilly Land of Guangxi : Benefit Analysis on Introduction Selection and Rational Disposition of the Species

  15. 我国引种桉树已有100年以上的历史,为了发展高效优质林业,近20年来国内许多林业工作者都在致力于桉树的北移引种。

    China has been introduced and planted Eucalyptus for more than 100 years , for developing highly efficient and high quality forestry industry , many forestry workers have been working on the north introduction of eucalyptus in the past 20 years .

  16. 本文依据生态经济学原理,从山东省情及林业现状分析,探讨了山东省发展高效生态林业的内涵、类型及目标。

    On the basis of the principles of ecological economics , and from looking at the present situation of Shandong province and its forestry , this paper discusses the implications , form and aims of the highly effective development of eco-forestry in that region .

  17. 资金一直是林业发展过程最重要的因素之一,寻求高效可靠的林业资金来源和运作方式一直是林业投融资的研究重点。

    The capital is always very important for the development of forestry .

  18. 为建立稳定高效的生态林业,受益者应该缴纳森林生态效益补偿费

    Beneficiary Should Pay Forest Ecological Advantages Dues to Establish Stable and High Efficiency Ecological Forestry

  19. 用森林生长模型科学高效地指导林业生产一直是林业经营者持续经营森林的重要工具之一。

    It 's used to be main management means for forest managers to scientifically , effectively plan and manager forest by growth and yield models .

  20. 纵观林业信息化的现状与存在的问题,研发快速、高效、便捷的林业应用系统定制平台,实现林业部门各应用系统的高效集成,对促进林业可持续发展具有重要的理论和实际意义。

    Viewing the present situation and the existing problem of forestry informationization , We need to research and develop a fast , high efficient , convenient forestry application system customization platform to implement application system highly integrated in each forestry department .