
  • 网络Power Clean
  1. 高翻箱率严重制约了企业的发展与市场的满意度,为企业拓展市场,扩大规模造成了巨大的阻碍。

    High rate of shift rate seriously hampered the development of enterprises and market satisfaction .

  2. 高翻领衣有高翻领的衣服如高翻领毛衣使衣领、驳头定型。

    A garment , such as a sweater , that has this type of collar . To give shape to collars and lapels .

  3. 通过对大法兰边非圆引伸的应力、应变分析,探讨了带有大法兰边的非圆高翻边件的成形特点和成形方法。

    This article inquiries the forming method and characters of the noncircular , high turn_edged part with big flange by analysis of the relevant stress and strain .