
fú yáo
  • whirlwind;cyclone
扶摇 [fú yáo]
  • [cyclone] 暴风由下向上升腾;喻仕途得志

  • 抟扶摇而上者九万里。--《庄子.逍遥游》。玄英疏:扶摇,旋风也。

扶摇[fú yáo]
  1. 大鸟哀鸣一声,扶摇而上,年青人轻轻地落在了一处宽大的阳台上。

    The bird rose up in the air with a yelp , and the youth dropped lightly onto a broad balcony .

  2. 在教堂里的时候,这种冲动已经难以遏制;如今到了露天,便扶摇直冲云霄。

    Within the church , it had hardly been kept down ; beneath the sky , it pealed upward to the zenith .

  3. 云将在往东游的路上,经过扶摇之枝时,巧遇在陆地上不停拍腿跳跃着的鸿蒙。

    On his tour to the east , when passing through the branches of Fuyao , Yun Jiang happened to see Hong Meng leaping on the ground .