
  1. 张利忠表示,中国国家旅游局已要求全行业停止与APA连锁酒店的合作。

    Zhang said the administration has asked the whole industry to stop doing business with APA hotel chain .

  2. 国家旅游局新闻发言人张利忠日前表示,APA酒店的举动是对中国游客的公然挑衅,违反了旅游业基本公德。

    Zhang Lizhong , spokesman of China National Tourism Administration , said this is a blatant provocation to Chinese tourists and has violated the basic ethics of the travel industry .

  3. 张利忠是中国驻马尔代夫大使。

    Chinese ambassador to the Maldives is Zhang Lizhong .

  4. 中国驻马尔代夫大使张利忠,中国愿为马尔代夫抗击疫情提供更多支持。

    Chinese Ambassador Zhang Lizhong says China is ready to provide more support to the Maldives to fight the pandemic .