
  • 网络IMD;crosstalk;PIMI
  1. CATV系统交调干扰的产生机理

    Mechanism of Origination of Cross - modulation Interference in CATV

  2. CATV系统中的交调干扰

    Cross - modulation interference in CATV System

  3. 卫星通信中准确而方便地计算交调干扰对颖分多址(FDMA)有巨大的实际意义。

    It is important to calculate the intermodulation ( IM ) interference for FDMA in satellite communications .

  4. 通过建立基于TWTA的AM-AM与AM-PM效应的非线性模型,采用Visualc++6.0,开发了可根据TWTA参数动态建立非线性模型并能对任意载波信号产生的交调干扰进行分析的软件,对实际应用具有一定价值。

    Based on the AM-AM and AM-PM nonlinear model of TWTA , developed a scientific calculating software which can dynamically create the nonlinear model according to parameters of TWTA and analyse the intermodulation by using Visual C + + 6.0 .

  5. 行波管非线性失真和交调干扰分析及其软件实现

    Analysis of TWTA Nonlinear Distortion Intermodulation and Realization with Software

  6. 调强连续波激光测距系统中的电子交调干扰

    Crosstalk in intensity modulated continuous wave laser rangefinder

  7. 交调干扰引起的可能被认为是射电爆发的假象

    A Pseudo phenomenon Being Considered as a Kind of Solar Radio Bursts Caused by Intermodulation Interference

  8. 大的峰值会使功率放大器饱和,在子载波间产生交调干扰和导致能量的带外弥散。

    These large peaks cause saturation in power amplifiers , leading to intermodulation products among the subcarriers and disturbing out of band energy .

  9. 运用统计分析的方法,给出了转发器功放的非线性与交调干扰的关系,可在保证一定信噪比的情况下得到较高的功率利用率。

    By using of analytic method of statistics , the relationship between nonlinear feature of power amplifiers and intermodulation is presented in this paper .

  10. 通常功率放大器的非线性会导致信号的非线性失真,非线性失真会导致子载波间的交调干扰和带外辐射,破坏子载波间的正交性,从而导致整个系统的性能下降。

    Usually the non-linear of the power amplifier will lead to nonlinear distortion , nonlinear distortion will lead to inter-subcarrier interference and cross-band radiation , damage among subcarriers orthogonality , resulting in overall system performance degradation .

  11. 分析交调与互调干扰产生的原因及其抑制方法

    Cause analysis and restraining ways of intermixing modulation interference and mutual modulation interference