
  • 网络zinc nitrate;Zinc Nitrate Hexahydrate
  1. 以硝酸锌为原料,氨水、尿素为沉淀剂,同时加入表面活性剂,采用直接沉淀法和均匀沉淀法制备了纳米ZnO粉体。

    Using zinc nitrate as the starting material and ammonia and urea as precipitating agent , we prepared nano-ZnO powder by direct precipitation method and homogeneous precipitation method .

  2. 采用均相沉淀法以硝酸锌和尿素为原料,在不加任何表面活性剂的条件下合成了尺寸不同的棒状ZnO,硝酸锌的浓度和反应温度是合成棒状ZnO的关键因素。

    We report the synthesis on rod-like ZnO with different sizes via homogeneous precipitation from zinc nitrate and urea . It was found that zinc nitrate concentration and the reaction temperature were the key factors leading to the formation of rod-like ZnO .

  3. 首次以硝酸锌和甘氨酸为原料,用燃烧合成法制备了纳米ZnO粉体。

    Nanocrystalline ZnO was prepared by the combustion synthesis method for the first time .

  4. 通过向反应体系引入微量硝酸锌的方法成功制备了一些列Zn掺杂的TiO2微球型颗粒。

    Zn-doped TiO2 microspheres have been synthesized by introducing a trace amount of zinc nitrate hexahydrate to the reaction system .

  5. 采用化学沉积法,在ZnO晶种面上研究了纳米棒于70℃过饱和硝酸锌/氢氧化钠溶液中的定向生长。

    ZnO nanorods on ZnO-coated seed surfaces were fabricated by chemical deposition method using supersaturated Zn ( NO3 ) 2 / NaOH at 70 ℃ .

  6. 山嵛酸Langmuir膜结合氨气扩散控制生长碱式硝酸锌的分形结构

    Fractal Structure Formation of Zinc Hydroxide Nitrate under a Behenic Acid Langmuir Monolayer Combined with Ammonia Vapor Diffusion

  7. 以柠檬酸铁或硝酸铁、硝酸锌、硝酸镍和柠檬酸为原料,利用溶胶直接自蔓延燃烧反应成功制备了尖晶石结构的NiZn铁氧体粉末。

    Ni-Zn ferrites were prepared with the citrate precursor by self-combustion technique , using ferric citrate or ferric nitrate , nickel nitrate , zinc nitrate , citric acid as the starting materials .

  8. 以透明导电玻璃(TCO)为衬底,用硝酸锌水溶液作为电解液,研究了阴极还原沉积ZnO薄膜的反应机理和电化学行为。

    This paper investigates reaction mechanism and electrochemical behavior of ZnO thin films deposited on transparent conducting glass from a simple aqueous zinc nitrate solution .

  9. 文章主要考察了ICP-AES法测定硝酸锌中主要成分Zn和杂质Fe,Ca,Mg和Na等元素的测定条件及方法的准确度和精密度。

    The measurement conditions and accuracy of the measurement technique of ICP-AES for the major composition zinc and impurities like Fe , Ca , Mg , and Na etc in zinc nitrate are investigated .

  10. 采用六水硝酸锌,刘亚甲基四氨和去离子水为原料,利用简单易行的水热合成法,在AZO、石英和硅片衬底上成功制备出具有高长径比、高度取向的氧化锌纳米棒阵列薄膜。

    ZnO nanorods array film with high degree of orientation and high aspect ratio were obtained using hydrothermal synthesis method based on AZO , quartz and silicon substrates .

  11. 以硝酸锌和硝酸钾混合溶液为电解液,采用两电极体系在FTO基片和p-Si(100)衬底上制备了c-轴取向的ZnO薄膜。

    A two-electrode system was employed to fabricate c-axis oriented ZnO films on a FTO wafer and p-Si ( 100 ) substrate in a mixed Zn ( NO3 ) 2 / KNO3 aqueous electrolyte .

  12. 研究结果如下:1.采用均相沉淀法以硝酸锌和尿素为原料,聚乙二醇为表面活性剂合成水锌矿,通过煅烧水锌矿制得了海胆状的ZnO微球。

    All the experimental results were demonstrated as follows : 1 . We report the preparation on urchin-like ZnO microspheres by thermal decomposition of hydrozincite . The hydrozincite was synthesized by homogeneous precipitation of zinc nitrate and urea in the presence of a nonionic surfactant polyethylene glycol .

  13. 以硝酸锌和氢氧化钠为原料,三乙醇胺为表面活性剂,采用微波加热沸腾回流,在不同的反应条件下制备出了平均粒径为25~80nm的纳米级ZnO粉体。

    Nanon-sized ZnO powders with particle size of 25-80 nm were prepared by a method of reflux boiling with microwave heating using zinc nitrate and sodium hydroxide as the starting materials and triethanolamine as the surfactant .

  14. 最佳制备条件为以硝酸锌和硝酸铁为前驱体(Zn/Fe摩尔比为2:1),以氨水为沉淀剂(沉淀终点pH值为8.04),采用正加法,焙烧温度450℃,焙烧时间4h。

    The suitable preparation conditions were as follows : zinc nitrate and iron nitrate as the precursors , molar ratio of Zn / Fe 1:2 , ammonia as the precipitator , normal mixing manner of the precipitator , precipitation end-point pH 8.04 , and calcination temperature 450 ℃ .

  15. 以尿素或三(羟甲基)氨基甲烷(THAM)为燃料,以硝酸锌为锌源和氧化剂,采用燃烧合成的方法制备了纳米氧化锌。

    Nanometer zinc oxide powders have been synthesized by means of a novel , quick and simple combustion synthesis method using urea and Tri ( hydroxymethyl ) aminomethane as fuel and zinc nitrate as oxidant .

  16. 以六水硝酸锌为锌源,氢氧化四丙基铵(TPAOH)和氢氧化四甲铵(TMAOH)分别为碱源,进行了氧化锌粉末的水热制备。

    The powder of zinc oxide was synthesized in hydrothermal conditions with Zn ( NO_3 ) _2 · 6H_2O as zinc source , and tetrapropylammonium hydroxide ( TPAOH ) and tetramethylammonium hydroxide ( TMAOH ) as alkaline source .

  17. 结果表明:NP-9/正己醇/正庚烷/硝酸锌溶液微乳液体系的水核半径在308K和318K分别为1.86nm和2.33nm,可以作为制备纳米粒子的微反应器。

    The results show that the radius of water droplet of NP-9 / hexanol / heptane / zinc nitrate solution microemulsion at 308 K and 318 K is 1.86 nm and 2.33 nm respectively , and such microemulsion is a good medium for the synthesis of nanoparticles .

  18. 以硝酸锌为原料可得到纯度较高的纳米氧化锌。

    The purer nanometer zinc oxide powders can be made from the zinc nitrate .

  19. 快速测定硝酸锌原料中锌及其杂质含量的方法

    Fast Measurement of Zinc Nitrate and Impurities

  20. 运用磷酸氢钙作载体,硝酸银,硝酸锌作抗菌剂,外加不等量的二氧化钛,制成了吸附型的抗菌粉体。

    Antiseptic Micromeritics Material was developed with Calcium Monohydrate Phosphate as carrier , appending silver nitrate 、 zinc nitrate 、 kronos .

  21. 硝酸锌与四种α-氨基酸配合物的恒容燃烧能测定(英文)一个多功能燃烧模拟实验装置

    Determination of Constant - Volume Combustion Energy for the Complexes of Zinc Nitrate with Four Amino Acids A Multifunctional Constant Volume Bomb for Combustion Study

  22. 以硝酸锌和磷酸为原料,氨水为沉淀剂,在表面活性剂存在下增加晶化工序,制备了超细磷酸锌晶体。

    The title ultrafine zinc phosphate crystal has been prepared based on zinc nitrate and phosphoric acid as raw materials , ammonia as precipitant at the presence of surfactant with an additional crystallization process .

  23. 在超声振荡下直接沉淀法制备纳米氧化锌的关键是控制硝酸锌的浓度、氨水的浓度以及滴加速度、表面活性剂加入时间。

    The key factors of ultrasonic surge precipitation for nanoparticle ZnO preparation were the concentration of Zn ( NO3 ) 2 , the concentration and dropping time of aqueous ammonia , the adding time of surfactants .

  24. 为了研究纳米粒子生长的动力学特征,用稀释法求取了该过程所涉及的NP-9/正己醇/正庚烷/硝酸锌溶液微乳液体系的水核半径;

    To probe in the kinetic features of the growth of zinc oxalate nanoparticles , the radius of the water droplet of NP-9 / hexanol / heptane / zinc nitrate solution microemulsion was inspected through diluting method ;

  25. 本文使用硝酸银、硝酸铜、硝酸锌三种物质制备抗菌溶胶,分别制备了单一组分、双组分和三组分的抗菌溶胶,利用抗菌溶胶整理棉织物,赋予织物耐久的抗菌性能;

    In this article , silver nitrate , copper nitrate , zinc nitrate were used for the preparation of single-ingredient , two-ingredient , three-ingredient antibacterial sol , the antibacterial sol was utilized to endue cotton fabrics with enduring antibacterial property ;