
  • 网络Walking,Walking
  1. 他拿出地图,他们走啊走,忽然看见一条长椅,上面的献词是:“献给我的女铁人朱莉(Julie)……”

    He pulled out a map , and they walked until they stumbled upon a bench with an inscription that started with the words " To My Ironwoman Julie .... "

  2. 我们走啊走啊,始终找不到个栖身之处。

    We tramped miles and miles without finding anywhere to stay .

  3. 走啊走啊就这么走着!

    Oh , they 're walking , walking , walking .

  4. 他走啊走,最后来到一条河边。

    He went on and finally came to a river .

  5. 就你呀,光是走啊走啊这么多年了。

    Only you are left to just doing the mail route for so many years .

  6. 醋溜先生在城里走啊走,四处找牛。

    Mr. Vinegar walked up and down the street of the town looking for a cow .

  7. 而这个同行以为只要不停地走啊走,就能到达目的地。

    However , he insists that one would never reach the destination unless he kept on walking .

  8. 醋溜先生抓住牛绳,拉着它在街上走啊走。

    Mr. Vinegar took hold of the cow 's halter and led her up and down the street .

  9. 她走啊走啊,走了很远,终于在路边看见了倒在地上的妈妈。

    She walked and walked , after a long distance walking , she found her mother was lying on the ground .

  10. 我们开车走啊走啊,最后在路边上看到了一块牌子,上面写着:笨蛋,此路不通。

    We tramped miles and miles and then saw at the roadside a board , which read : Idiot , no thoroughfare .

  11. 她没再说什么,一起走啊走啊,不知什么时候又走回了她们楼下,她伸出了一只手,我握住了。

    She said again what , walk together walk , don 't know to when walk to return to their down stairs again , she stretched out a hand and I grasped .

  12. 我走啊走,可能有好几个小时,守护我安全的小天使在我耳边低语,让我掉头回家,但我执拗,甚至显得有些愚蠢,依然执意往前走。

    I walked on and on for what seemed like hours . I am sure my guardian angel was whispering in my ear to turn around and head back home but I was stubborn and even a bit stupid , so I walked on .

  13. 他们走啊,走啊,一直走到河边。

    They went on and on till they came to a river .

  14. 走啊,走啊!

    Walk on , walk on , come on .

  15. 他们走啊,走啊,突然发现他们又回到了两小时以前到过的地方。

    They walked and walked , suddenly they found they came back where they had been two hours before .

  16. 怎么样,姑娘们,走啊,走啊,走啊!

    Don 't you think , girls ? Off , off , off , off , off , off , off !

  17. 他们一言不发,笔直地朝前走,走啊走的,突然间吉尔听见斯克罗布说”小心!”接着就觉得自己猛地朝后收住脚步。

    They went straight on without speaking till suddenly Jill heard Scrubb say , " Look out ! " and felt herself jerked back .

  18. 小女孩接过鸡腿,小心翼翼地包在小布片里,又往前走。走啊走,好不容易走到了玻璃上。山门紧琐着。

    The girl took the leg , wrapped it up well in a piece of cloth , and set off again and went on and on until she came to the glass mountain .