
  • 网络The Story of My Life
  1. 海伦·凯勒所著的《我生活的故事》是对我一生最大的一本书。

    The Story of My Life by Helen Keller is the most influential book in my life .

  2. 搜索我要告诉你我的生活中的故事,因为我很简单。

    I 'm gonna tell you the story of my life , 'cause I 'm simple .

  3. 今天我想告诉大家来自我生活的三个故事。

    Today I want to tell you three stories from my life . That 's it .

  4. 这就是关于我的梦想和我的早期生活的简短故事,以及我的梦想如何使我获得了成功。

    And that is the brief story of my dreams and a brief story of my early life , and how my dreams made me successful .

  5. 今天我想向你们讲述我生活中的三个故事。

    Today I want to tell you three stories from my life .

  6. 不妨这样说,正是我的朋友们成就了我的生活和我的故事。

    Thus it is that my friends have made the story of my life .

  7. 呵……今天我只想给你们讲三个我生活中的真实故事,仅此而已,没有什么长篇大论,就是三个故事。

    Ha ... Today I want to tell you three stories from my life . That 's it . No big deal . Just three stories . The first story is about connecting the dots .

  8. 在对发表我的评论之前,我想先讲一个我自己生活中的故事。

    Today , I 'd like to preface my remarks with a story from my own life

  9. 因为我也身处这么堆烂事中,好莱坞有人拍了一部身为瘾君子的我生活失败的电影故事。

    I 'm in this business because somebody made a movie about my life as a drug-addled loser in Hollywood .