
  1. Patrick是我的偶像,跟他一起像是梦想成真,即使只是跟他合作一次。

    Patrick is my idol , and it was a dream come true to be able to even meet him , let alone work with him .

  2. 1982年,杰西卡·兰格(JessicaLange)在《窈窕淑男》(Tootsie)中饰演的迷人单身职业母亲朱莉(Julie)成了我的偶像,她性感地对达斯汀·霍夫曼(DustinHoffman)饰演的角色说,自己“天生就只用解冻食物就行了”。

    In 1982 , Jessica Lange as Julie , the glamorous single working mother in " Tootsie , " became my ego-ideal when she sexily told Dustin Hoffman 's character that she was a " born defroster .

  3. 您是我的偶像,我会永远尊敬您。

    You are my idol . I 'll respect you forever .

  4. 噢,你简直就是我的偶像。

    Oh , my god , you 're my hero .

  5. 我的偶像是周杰伦我很喜欢听他的歌。

    Jay Chou is one of the most popular stars in China .

  6. 谈论我的偶像,我为他感到非常自豪。

    Talking about my idol , I am very proud of him .

  7. 这个女人是我的偶像,名叫林莉。

    This woman is my hero , Lin Li .

  8. 他在这里我的偶像

    Garrett : There he is , my idol .

  9. “亚历克斯是我的偶像,”他说。

    Alex is my idol , 'he said .

  10. 明天就是我的偶像其中的一个要过生日,你猜猜他是谁?

    Tomorrow is my idol birthday one to , you guess who he is ?

  11. 你知道的贝克海姆是我的偶像。

    You know Bhm is my idol .

  12. 克里斯蒂娜阿奎莱拉是我的偶像,我喜欢她敢于冒险的精神。

    Christina Aguilera is my idol . I like the fact that she takes chances .

  13. 也是我的偶像之一

    And one of my personal heroes .

  14. 张婷因为现在我的偶像是陈中。

    Because my idol is Chen Zhong .

  15. 刘德华是我的偶像!

    Andy Lao is my idol .

  16. 林俊杰是我的偶像。

    JJ Lam is my idol .

  17. 他们中很多人是我的偶像,张说,我真的很喜欢他们的作品。

    Many of them are my idols , Zhang said . I really like their work .

  18. 迈克尔·乔丹是我的偶像。

    Michael Jordan was my idol .

  19. 她是我的偶像。

    She is my image .

  20. 你是我的偶像!

    You are my idol .

  21. 我的偶像之一:埃夫斯·特文,以躲藏在酒吧的黑暗角落而闻名。

    And one of my heroes , Aphex Twin , famously hid in dark corners of clubs .

  22. 本杰明·贝克尔:从小他就是我的偶像,我自始至终关注他的比赛。

    Benjamin Becker : He was my idol growing up , you know , I followed his whole career .

  23. 姚明,我的偶像将会出现在数以百万的观众面前。

    Yao Ming , my idol , will appear in front of several hundred million of the worldwide audience .

  24. 唔?没事老爸,你将会是我的偶像,大概,两年多的时间�

    Hmm ? Fine . Dad , you 'll be my idol for , like , two more years .

  25. 工业的声音被我的偶像之一,大卫·林奇,和他的音效师艾林·斯普莱特所采用,

    they 've been used by one of my heroes , David Lynch , and his sound designer , Alan Splet

  26. 一些人暗示,我的偶像已演变为更可预测的动作片明星,具备所有的设计师名牌。

    Some have hinted that my idol has evolved into a more predictable action hero . With all the designer trappings .

  27. 嗯,你可以试试,但乔叟算得上是我的偶像,如果你能明白我的意思。

    Well , you can try , but Chaucer is sort of my hero , if you know what I mean .

  28. 实际上,马玉琴始终都是我的偶像,任何人都无法与她相提并论。

    In fact , Ma Yuqin had been my idol all the time , and no others could hold a candle to her .

  29. 杰拉德是利物浦的旗帜,他不仅仅是我的偶像,还是全世界很多球员和球迷们的偶像。

    Steven is a symbol of Liverpool and he is not only my idol , but an idol of a lot of players and fans all over the world .

  30. 你是我心中的偶像。

    You 're my hero , ie I admire you greatly .