
  1. 这种宣传往往在持续数年时间,一般采取每隔一段时间集中宣传一次的方式进行。

    This kind of propaganda often lasted for years , and also carried out from time to time .

  2. 防治艾滋病紧急救援计划把20%的资金用于预防艾滋病,这个计划坚决主张用这部分资金的三分之一来集中进行禁欲宣传。布什总统将防治艾滋病资金增加一倍的要求再次引发了对这一主张的辩论。

    The president 's calls for a doubling of AIDS funding has renewed the debate over PEPFAR 's insistence that one-third of the 20 percent of funding for prevention must focus on abstinence .

  3. 票房展望:皮克斯也向并非其通常观众的目标群集中进行了市场宣传,即可能对第一部《玩具总动员》怀有儿时甜蜜记忆的大学生们。

    The Prospects : Pixar has focused marketing efforts partly on an audience that isn 't its usual target : college kids likely to have fond childhood memories of the first'Toy Story'movies .