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  1. 绣针和丝线精确地再现了名画作品。

    Famous paintings are reproduced precisely with needles and silk thread .

  2. 你消失的话语是这刺绣的绣针。

    The absence of your words is the needle of this embroidery .

  3. 然后通过空间转换的后续处理工作,分别对绣针目标和绣孔目标的中心进行了详细的提取,从而完成了对针孔目标的定位。

    Through the follow-up processing of space conversion . Extracted the center position of embroidery needle target and embroider hole target . Completed the positioning of pinhole target .

  4. 盐地碱蓬是江苏沿海一线从苏鲁交界的绣针河口到长江口1000多公里的平原海岸淤滩上的优势物种。

    And S. salsa is of Jiangsu coastal line , the junction of the embroidery needle from the mouth of Sulu to the Yangtze Delta Plain , 1 000 km of the coast to check the dominant species in sediment .

  5. 用大针脚绣的针绣花边。

    Needlepoint done with large stitches .

  6. 用羊毛、棉花或其它填料层可保证绝热;绗缝绣的针迹使填入物料保持均匀,同时也能在图案和技术方面表现出艺术性。

    The layer of wool , cotton , or other stuffing provides insulation ; the stitching keeps the stuffing evenly distributed and also provides opportunity for artistic expression .

  7. 运用苗族彩线刺绣不同的绣法(平绣,乱针绣,打籽绣,岔针秀)来实现壁挂的各种肌理效果和情感寄托,使壁挂具有强烈的现代感,装饰感。

    Using different colored thread embroider of the miao embroidery , such as flat embroidery , disorderly needle embroidery , playing seed embroidery , the bifurcation needle embroidery , To realize all kinds of skin texture effect and the hanging emotional sustenance , to make hanging impressively contemporary , decorative .

  8. 梅根的头纱上绣了53个英联邦国家的国花,据肯辛顿宫称,这个头纱花费了数百个小时将花朵的设计全部绣成,为了保证丝纱的轻盈,绣针的干净,绣工们每半个小时就要洗一次手。

    The veil carried floral references to all 53 countries in the Commonwealth , and the palace said workers spent hundreds of hours sewing the delicate flower designs into the veil , meticulously washing their hands every half hour to keep the silk tulle and threads clean .