
xiù pǐn
  • embroidery
绣品[xiù pǐn]
  1. 这件精美的绣品,使人惊叹不已。

    This exquisite embroidery won people 's great admiration .

  2. 多么精美的绣品啊!

    What delicate embroidery !

  3. 瞧她的绣品,深浅颜色多配合!

    What a wonderful combination of shades in her embroidery !

  4. 这些精美的绣品都出自她那纤巧的双手。

    All these elegant embroideries are creations of her dainty and dexterous hands .

  5. 玻璃纤维化学绣品,无可见底布

    Embroidery , " chemical ", without visible ground of glass fibres

  6. 手绣或机绣绣品,无可见纺织底布粘合织物,粘合法非织造织物,无纺布

    Embroidery , hand - or machine-made with visible textile ground adhesive-bonded fabric

  7. 无可见纺织底布绣品(不包括玻璃丝绣品)

    Embroidery , without visible textile ground ( excl. of glass thread )

  8. 大型梭式绣花机绣品CAD/CAM系统的研制

    Development of Embroidery Machine Embroidery CAD / CAM System

  9. 直线导轨的驱动方式使刺绣品精度更高。

    Straight guide drive mode increase the embroidery precision .

  10. 该刺绣厂的每件绣品做工都很讲究。

    This emBroidery factory has produced every piece of emBroidery with exquisite workmanship .

  11. 用条带或编带制作的绣品

    Embroidery , made with strips or braid

  12. 久而久之,当地的手工艺人也学会了制作包括亚麻绣品在内的法式商品。

    Over time , local artisans also learned to make French-style goods , including embroidered linens .

  13. 绣品中既有名贵的欣赏艺术品,也有美观适用的日用品。

    Xiang embroidery crafts include valuable works of art , as well as materials for daily use .

  14. 平湖市垠丰工艺绣品厂,是一家专业生产刺绣装饰画花芯的厂家。

    The Pinghu city YinFeng craft embroidery factory , is a specialized production embroidery decoration painting flower core factory .

  15. 这件丝绸绣品,融传统工艺和现代制造技术于一体,当属旷世杰作。

    This embroidered silk piece , made with combination of traditional craft and modern technique , is really an unprecedented masterpiece .

  16. 到了宋代(公元960~1279年),蜀绣的发展达到鼎盛时期,绣品在工艺、产销量和精美程度上都独步天下。

    Shu embroidery experienced its peak development in the Song Dynasty ( 960-1279 ), ranking first in both production and excellence .

  17. 基于实例推理方法可大大提高绣品的质量和刺绣编程的效率。

    After using case based reasoning , the quality of embroidery pattern and the efficiency of punching is highly sped up .

  18. 辽绣绣品有着多种用途,如制成刺绣服饰、枕头顶,以及作成刺绣画等。

    The products of Liao embroidery has multiple use , like making clothes , accessories , pillow top and embroidery paintings .

  19. 刺绣工把图案绣在布上。手绣或机绣绣品,无可见纺织底布

    The embroiderer pricked out the pattern on to the cloth . embroidery , hand - or machine-made with visible textile ground

  20. 温州历史上以手工业发达著称,是青瓷发源地之一,造纸、造船、丝绸、绣品、漆器、鞋革等在我国历史上均有一定地位。

    Historically , Wenzhou has been a city renowned for its handicrafts and also as one of the birthplaces of celadon .

  21. 在种类上粤绣可分为绒绣、线绣、金银线绣三类,品种包括戏服、厅堂装饰、联帐、采眉、挂屏和各种日用绣品等。

    Floss , thread and gold-and-silk thread embroidery are used to produce costumes , decorations for halls and crafts for daily use .

  22. 绣品主要取材于龙凤、花鸟等,图案构图饱满、均齐对称,色彩对比强烈、富丽堂皇。在针法上具有“针步均匀、纹理分明、处处见针、针针整齐”的特点。

    The embroidered pictures are mainly of dragons and phoenixes , and flowers and birds , with neat designs and strong , contrasting colors .

  23. 有可见底布绣品,纺织品制,成幅、成条或成花纹图案(不包括刺绣花毯和制成品)

    Embroidery , with visible ground or textile materials in the piece in strips or in motifs ( excl. needle-worked tapestries and made-up articles )

  24. 温州古有“百工之乡”美誉,历史上漆器、造纸、丝绸、绣品都留有盛誉。

    Wenzhou In ancient times ," hundreds of hands town " reputation , the history of lacquer ware , paper , silk , embroidery have left reputation .

  25. 这名24岁的年轻女孩已经为全球多个地标创作了绣品,包括布拉格的查理大桥,伦敦的大本钟和澳大利亚佩斯的蜿蜒瀑布。

    The 24-year-old has a series of embroidery reflecting landmarks around the globe including Charles Bridge in Prague , Big Ben in London and the Serpentine Falls in Perth .

  26. 对某纺织厂织布车间(噪声水平>100分贝)100名女工和绣品厂(噪声水平<60分贝)97名女工进行了生殖机能的调查。

    100 female workers in a textile mill ( noise level > 100dB ) and 97 in an embroidery factory ( niose level < 60 dB ) were investigated for reproductive function .

  27. 在1912年和1933年意大利都灵博览会和巴拿马万国博览会上,湘绣绣品分别获得最优奖和一等奖,被国外誉为超级绣品。

    Xiang embroidery won the best award in the Torino world fair in Italy in1912 and the first award in the Panama world fair in1933.xiang embroidery is known abroad as the ideal embroidery .

  28. 其实除了被运用在织绣品中,在青铜器、陶器、漆器等工艺产品中团花都有着广泛的应用。

    In fact , apart from being used for embroidery products in bronze , pottery , lacquer ware and other technology products , " Flower Mission " has a wide range of applications .

  29. 绣品能充分让你体验成功的喜悦和骄傲,你会不断的自诩:没想到我还这么心灵手巧,“我简直太有才了!”

    Seven or embroidery so that you can fully experience the joy and pride , you will continue to the claim : I did not expect such ingenuity ," I am simply too talented !"

  30. 适用于制作西装、女装、泳装、童装、胸罩、鞋帽、手套、绣品等其他服装及皮件、箱包等。

    It can be used for making leather products , cases and clothes such as suits , dresses , swimming clothes , children 's clothes , bra , shoes , caps , gloves , embroideries , and so on .