
cǎi gāo qiāo
  • walk on stilts
踩高跷 [cǎi gāo qiāo]
  • [walk on stilts] 踏在高跷上行走

踩高跷[cǎi gāo qiāo]
  1. 这儿哪能踩高跷啊?

    How can they walk on stilts here ?

  2. 社区变成了玩杂耍的、踩高跷的和扮装皇后的天地。

    The neighborhood is given over to performers , stilt walkers and drag queens .

  3. 马戏团里踩高跷的演员

    a circus performer on stilts

  4. 还有一种至今仍受人欢迎的传统表演活动,叫踩高跷。

    Walking on stilts is another traditional performance event popular in china .

  5. 马丁:我是踩高跷的。

    Marty : I 'm a stilt walker .

  6. 此外还有吃元宵、踩高跷、猜灯谜等风俗。

    There are also eating Lantern , walking on stilts , riddles and other customs .

  7. 大熊猫在踩高跷!

    It 's a panda on stilts !

  8. 你别想让我相信妇女生来就是踩高跷走路的。

    You will never make me believe that women were made for walking on stilts .

  9. 踩高跷是一种群众性技艺表演,分高跷、中跷和跑跷三种。

    There are three kinds of stilts & high , medium stilt and stilt for running .

  10. 他们正在踩高跷。

    They are walking on stilts .

  11. 踩高跷俗称缚柴脚,亦称“踏高跷”、“扎高脚”。乃民间节日在广场表演的一种舞蹈形式。

    Walking on stilts is commonly known as a kind of dance performed during festivals among the people .

  12. 内衣秀以马戏表演开始,包括杂技,吞剑和踩高跷。

    The show started with a circus theme , complete with acrobats , a sword-swallower and a man on stilts .

  13. 他打扮得像一个踩高跷的人一样,穿着一条非常长的蓝白格子长裤,戴着一顶大礼帽。

    He had taken the form of a man on stilts , with very long blue and white check trousers and a tap hat .

  14. 短西服会使人的下半身显得过长,给人不平的感觉,有点儿象踩高跷。

    Short suit can make below half body of the person appears too long , give person cobbly the sense , resemble a little step on stilt .

  15. 沿着泛舟的湖边小路,木偶戏、小丑和踩高跷的表演应有尽有,小贩们高声叫卖着,从印度布裙到电池,五花八门。

    Along the path by the boating lake there are puppet shows , clowns and stilt walkers , and hawkers selling anything from Indian cotton skirts to batteries .

  16. 春节期间的庆祝活动极为丰富多样,有舞狮、耍龙的,也有踩高跷、跑旱船的。

    The period celebration extremely is Spring Festival bountiful , has the lion dance , to play the dragon , also has walks on stilts , the row-boat dance .

  17. 在溪边的天鹅石处可听到瀑布声,还可以很近地看到“仙人踩高跷”几个字。

    The falls thunder can be heard at Swan rock near the brook and one can also have a near look on the " immortal walking on stilts " .

  18. 中国北方常见的体育还有武术,踩高跷,杂技,沙丘滑行,放风筝。每一项目都带有浓厚地方色彩。

    Popular sports activities in northern China include martial arts , high-stilt walking , acrobatics , land-yachting , kite flying , each with a rich local history of its own .

  19. 其中的亮点包括:精美制作的花车方阵,学生乐队方阵,中华武术方阵,踩高跷方阵,舞狮队方阵,还有新加冕的的“全美华埠小姐”哦!京晶:听着很精彩呢!

    Some of the parade highlights include elaborately decorated floats , school marching bands , martial arts groups , stilt walkers , liondancers , and the newly crowned Miss Chinatown USA. That 's awesome !

  20. 不能是踩高跷似的步伐或者其他完全没有效率和容易疲劳的步伐。因此,采用高跷格栅可以大大降低超滤操作的能耗。

    Should not move in a stilted gait or in any gait that is not completely efficient and tireless . Therefore , the energy of the operation of the ultra-filtration with stilted spacers can be saved greatly .

  21. 元宵节的白天会有舞龙舞狮、划旱船、扭秧歌、踩高跷。

    In the daytime of the Festival , performances such as a dragon lantern dance , a lion dance , a land boat dance , a yangge dance , walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged .

  22. 马戏团的小丑善于踩着高跷走和跑。

    Circus clowns are experts at walking and running on stilts .

  23. 他一刻不安宁地在办公室踱来踱去,两条腿象踩着高跷。

    He rambled restlessly across his office on legs like stilts .

  24. 野心只是踩在高跷上的贪婪。

    Ambition is but avarice on stilts . w.s.

  25. 他们似乎栖息在距离这世界很远的高处,像踩在高跷上。

    They seem to be perched far above the world , like men on stilts .

  26. 我知道有些女生就算踩着高跷也能很轻松的走路,除非你也是这样的,否则不要穿太高跟的鞋子。

    I know many women can wear sky-high heels with ease , but unless you 're one of them , don 't.

  27. 安徽的傩舞,有的还踩上高跷、戴上面具表演,保持着祭祖、祀福、驱邪等遗意。

    " Nuo " dancers in anhui walk on stilts and wear masks while performing , expressing their wishes of sacrifice to their ancestors , praying for blessing and dispelling the evils .

  28. 另一只猴子踩在高跷上,脖子上拴着铁链,被人拉着在跳着看起来很可怕的舞蹈;还有一只猴子被拴在一只山羊的羊角上,四肢拼命挥舞着,渴望自由。

    Another on stilts , is yanked about into a macabre dance , held up only by the chain wrapped around his neck , while another of the terrified creatures is tied to the horns of a goat as he flails about , desperate to be free .
