
  1. 李纯甫怪奇诗风的创作,对于扭转当时诗歌主流以及对金末整个文学的发展都作出了巨大的贡献。

    Li Chunfu Strange creation of poetry , poetry for the mainstream and the reverse was the end of the literary development of gold have made a great contribution .

  2. 文章主要对于金末李纯甫的诗文进行系统的总结与梳理,从横向与纵向双面来解剖其创作,并对其创作的意义进行深入思考。

    Jin and Li Chunfu paper mainly for the writing of a systematic summary and sort out , from the horizontal and vertical sides to anatomy of its creation , and its depth reflection on the meaning of creation .