
  1. 使用种类最多的是活血化瘀药,其次是补虚药,再次是清热药、理气药、止血药。

    The most widely used types are blood circulation drugs , followed by a tonic medicine again antipyretic .

  2. 中药药性量化方法对补虚药功效归类预测的研究

    Study on the Prediction of the Effect Attribution of the Deficiency-Nourishing Drugs Based on the Quantification of TCM Drug Properties

  3. 并且在保健药物功效分类中补虚药、清热药、利水渗湿药出现的频次最高。

    And tonic medicines in a healthy drug efficacy category drug , antipyretic , Lee water wet there had the highest frequency .

  4. 按中药功效对异常组所有药物进行总结后发现使用最多的为补虚药和清热药。

    According to Chinese medicine efficacy to summarize abnormal group of all drugs and found the most used to tonify deficiency and heat medicines .

  5. 治疗肺痿的药物中,主要以补虚药为主,其次为清热药、化痰药、止咳平喘药。

    Drug therapy in " Fei Wei ", mainly are tonic medicine , followed by antipyretic medicine , expectorant drugs , cough and asthma medicine .

  6. 视疲劳方的基本配伍规律为补虚药、清热药、解表药、利水渗湿药的遣用。

    Fatigue side as the basic compatibility rules for the tonic medicine , antipyretic , relieving drugs , the drug benefit Wetting removal of water use .

  7. 用药特点:前5类药物为补虚药、活血化瘀药、清热药、利水渗湿药、祛风湿药。

    Characteristic of using drugs : The first five classes of herbs were reinforcing drugs , promoting-circulation drug , clearing-heat drugs , inhibiting-damp drugs , dispel-wind drugs .

  8. 结论结果表明药性的不同量化方法对补虚药的功效归类预测有一定影响,多值量化比二值量化具有更为理想的判别结果。

    Results The multivalued quantification has a more ideal result of discrimination than the two-valued quantification . Conclusion The different methods for the quantification of TCM drug properties have certain influence on the prediction of the effect attribution of deficiency-nourishing drugs .

  9. 虚证理论、扶正方法、补虚方药等作为现代医学与中医学一个非常显著的区别,无疑是医学的创举之一。

    Deficiency theory , righting , tonic herbs such as modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine is a very significant difference , no doubt , is one of the pioneering work of the Chinese medicine .