
  • 网络Leymus chinensis;Aneurolepidium chinense;Leymus chinense
  1. 羊草叶片对高CO2浓度和干旱胁迫的响应

    The Response to CO_2 Concentration and Soil Drought Stress in Leymus chinensis Leaves

  2. 羊草与灰色赖草F1代细胞悬浮系的建立及植株再生

    Construction and Plant Regeneration of F_1 Cell Lines of Suspension Culture between Leymus chinensis and Leymus cinereus

  3. 羊草ClassⅡ几丁质酶基因的克隆及序列分析

    Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Class ⅱ Chitinase Gene in Leymus chinensis

  4. 瘤胃微生物生产低于羊草但高于秸秆(P<0.05)。

    Rumen microbial production was lower than dry hays but higher than corn straws ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 羊草、针茅对高CO2浓度及土壤干旱的响应

    Responses of Aneurolepidium Chinensis and Stipa Baicalensis to High CO_2 Concentration and Soil Drought

  6. 盐分抑制羊草对N、P、K的吸收,尤其K的吸收受盐分抑制显著,不同盐度处理羊草植株茎叶与根系K含量均显著降低。

    The content of N , P and K , especially K was greatly reduced by salt .

  7. 锡林河流域羊草群落春季CO2排放日变化特征分析

    The Analysis of Diurnal Variation of CO_2 Flux in Leymus chinensis Grassland of Xilin River Basin

  8. 羊草草原东北细毛羊及其与小尾寒羊杂交F1代的比较研究

    The comparison between Northeast fine wool sheep and its F_1 Crossbred on the Aneurolepidium chinense grassland

  9. 中国东北样带羊草群落C3和C4植物功能群生物量及其对环境变化的响应

    The biomass of C_3 and C_ 4 plant function groups in Leymus chinensis communities and theirs response to environmental change along Northeast China transect

  10. 模拟了1997年羊草及角碱蓬群落土壤盐分、碱化度、pH值动态,并与实验资料进行了比较,模拟结果可以反映土壤盐分和碱化的季节变化规律。

    Comparing with the experimental data , the simulation results can express the dynamics of saline and alkaline in different seasons .

  11. 刈割条件下羊草(Leymuschinensis)组织转化研究

    Approach to the Tissue Turnover of Leymus Chinensis under Different Cutting Conditions

  12. 刈割对典型草原地带羊草(Leymuschinensis)的影响

    Effect of Mowing on Leymus chinensis in Typical Steppe Region

  13. 温度对羊草(Leymuschinensis)生长及无性系分化的影响

    The Influence for Temperature on Growth and Clone differentiation of Leymus chinensis

  14. 羊草叶片cDNA文库的构建及部分表达序列标签的分析

    Construction of a cDNA library of the leaf of Leymus chinensis and analysis of partial expressed sequence tags

  15. 土壤脱湿过程中NaCl胁迫对羊草生长和矿质元素吸收的影响

    Effect of NaCl stress on growth and mineral element absorption of Leymus chinensis in drying soil

  16. 内蒙古高原成熟和退化羊草草原群落物种功能特性与土壤微生物量C、N、P对氮素添加响应

    Responses of Plant Traits and Soil Microbial Biomass C , N , P to Nitrogen Addition in Mature and Degraded Leymus Chinensis Steppe Ecosystems in Inner Mongolia Plateau

  17. 不同群落类型对羊草(Leymuschinensis)种群生殖分配的影响

    The Influence of Different Habitat on the Reproductive Allocation of Leymus chinensis Population

  18. NaCl胁迫对苜蓿和羊草苗期生长及养分吸收的影响

    Effect of NaCl stress on growth and nutrient absorption in seedling of Medicago sativa and Leymus Chinesis

  19. 羊草(Leymuschinensis)的细胞色素氧化酶同工酶分析

    The analysis of cytochrome isozyme of Leymus chinensis

  20. 羊草(Leymuschinensis)草地雨天放牧与非雨天放牧的绵羊采食特征

    The grazing sheep characters in rainy day and rainless day on Leymus chinensis grassland

  21. 羊草(Leymuschinensis)的过氧化物酶同工酶分析

    The analysis of Peroxidase Isozyme of Leymus chinensis

  22. 羊草(Leymuschinensis)等植物种群克隆表型变异和遗传变异的分子遗传-生态学分析

    Analysis of phenotypic and genetic variation in clonal population of Leymus chinensis and others

  23. 在羊草样地中,CH4的通量值也为负值。

    The value of CH4 flux is also negative in Leymus chinensis plots .

  24. 从Shannon指数来看,群体变异程度最大的是绿色草原灰色羊草。

    Shannon index showed biggest variations of populations was grayer leaf on green grass .

  25. 不同措施对退化羊草(Leymuschinensis)草原恢复演替的影响

    Effects of the Different Measures on Restoration Succession of Community in Degenerated Steppe of Leymus chinensis

  26. 内蒙古中东部草原羊草(Leymuschinensis)种群分化的生态遗传分析

    Eco-genetic Analysis on the Variation and Differentiation of Leymus Chinensis Populations in Mid-Eastern Inner Mongolia Steppe

  27. 在NaCl胁迫下羊草幼苗生理反应及外源钙的缓解效应

    A Study of one Responses of the Seedling of Leymus chinensis and Ca2 + Action Under Different Treatments of NaCl

  28. 遮光和去叶处理对羊草(Leymuschinensis)无性系分株间碳物质转移的影响

    The Effects of Shading and Defoliation on Translocation of Carbon Resources between Clonal Ramets of Leymus chinensis

  29. 羊草(Leymuschinensis)生殖生态学的研究

    Reproductive Ecology of Leymus Chinensis

  30. 灰绿型羊草生境中土壤的pH值、电导率、含水率分别大于黄绿型,盐碱退化程度比较重。

    Conductance , pH value and moisture content of soil habitats of grey-green ecotype were larger than those of yellow-green ecotype and degraded seriously due to salinity and alkalinity ;