
  1. 羊皮书提到的美德之一。

    One of the virtues mentioned in the parchment .

  2. 羊皮书是按照字面来解释?

    The parchment was intended to be interpreted literally ?

  3. 墨尔基阿德斯和他的羊皮书作为小说的隐形线索,构成“书中之书”的奇效。

    Moors Archimedes and his concealed clues enable it to become the book in book .

  4. 第二、三章考察纸莎草纸卷和羊皮书这两种在欧洲古代和中世纪占主导地位的文字传媒;

    Thesecond chapter and the third chapter concentrate individually on the papyrus and parchment , which are regarded as the two main writing media during the ancient and medieval Europe ;

  5. 羊皮纸书,羊皮书书写或印刷在精制犊皮或羊皮纸上的作品东山湖羊保护区湖羊种质及资源保护调查

    A work written or printed on this parchment . Investigation of Hu Sheep Quality and Resources Conservation in Dongshan Hu Sheep Protection District

  6. 她就像走在“石南丛生的荒野”中,读着用摩洛哥山羊皮装订的书的那些女人,而且有用连字符隔开的两个姓。

    Women who walked over the " heath " and read morocco-bound books and had two last names divided by a hyphen .