
  1. 异写字的差异主要表现在笔画层次和构件层次上。

    Different writing differences are mainly in the stroke level and component level .

  2. 通过整理研究发现,战国燕兵器铭文字际间的关系可分为异写字和异构字两类。

    Through the study found , the Warring States Yan Ming text weapons interstate relations can be divided into different writing and heterogeneous character two class .

  3. 对于异写字采用历史比较法和字体分析法结合人们的书写心理与书写习惯对其进行分类研究,并从中总结出异写字的书写变异规律。

    Guided by the method of historical comparison , the analysis of different style of handwriting and the psychology and habitation of people ' writing , we classify the latter further and summarize the law of people ' writing .