首页 / 词典 / good

  • fault;blame;misfortune;natural calamity
  • censure;punish;blame
  • 过失,罪过:~戾。负~。以彰其~。

  • 怪罪,处分:既往不~。~由自取(遭受责备、惩处或祸害是自己造成的)。

  • 灾祸:休~(吉凶)。

  • 怨仇:与臣有~。


(过失; 罪过) fault; blame:

  • 归咎于人

    lay the blame on sb. else;

  • 引咎辞职

    take the blame and resign


(凶) misfortune; natural calamity:

  • 休咎

    good and bad fortune


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 咎皋

    Jiu Gao


(责备) censure; punish; blame:

  • 既往不咎

    forgive sb.'s past misdeeds; let bygones be bygones

  1. 咎取暗黑色牙齿的其它罪魁祸首包括可乐、肉汤和深色果汁

    Other culprits to blame for dingy teeth include colas , gravies , and dark juices .

  2. 每个人,我自己也不例外,都必须分担咎责。

    Everyone , not excepting myself , must share the blame .

  3. 上个月,女王孙女比阿特丽斯公主的小狗Max受到柯基犬群攻击,蒙蒂也难逃其咎。

    Monty was part of the pack which attacked Princess Beatrice 's dog Max last month .

  4. 附近水泥厂产生的污染对此也难逃其咎。

    Pollution from nearby cement factories has also contributed to the problem .

  5. 针对被控夫妇的指咎铁证如山。

    The evidence against the accused couple is very strong .

  6. 一叛咎人,再之咎已。

    If someone betrays once , it is his fault ;

  7. 她一边笑着一边玩着她的一咎卷起的黑发

    She smiled as she toyed with a black curl of her hair

  8. 你憎我的罪,为了我多咎的爱:

    Hate of my sin , grounded on sinful loving :

  9. 而幕僚内部的混乱状态,对此是不能辞其咎的。

    And the confusion of his staff is at least partly to blame .

  10. 在欧洲危机产生和发展的整个过程中,欧元都难逃其咎。

    The euro has helped both to create and sustain the crisis in Europe .

  11. 事实是,哪个政党在这样的策略中都难咎其责。

    The truth is , neither party has been blameless in tactics like these .

  12. 大气温度的升高被回咎于温室气体的排放,而他们的目标就是减排。

    The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions blamed for heating up the atmosphere .

  13. 柏励强调我们正面临地球生命系统崩溃的严峻挑战,而17世纪笛卡尔以来的现代文化对此难咎其责。

    Berry emphasizes that we are facing a breakdown in the life systems on Earth .

  14. 你也同意自己的内咎。

    And you consent to your guilt .

  15. 他公开表示他不赞成这件事的咎理方法。

    He made no secret of his disapproval of the way the affair was handled .

  16. 离开你亦无须言歉咎。

    Leave you without guilt .

  17. 世界混乱不堪,而我们在很大程度上难咎其责。

    The world is in a mess , and much of this mess is of our own making .

  18. 有毒的根源是欲望的失衡,我们难逃其咎。

    The root of the poison is the unbalance desire , and we take unavoidable responsibility for it .

  19. 这一事实往往成为进城就业农民工廉价出买他们的劳动力并对雇主的侵权行为隐忍不咎的主要原因。

    The fact that jobs are often migrant farmers to buy their cheap labor and employers do not blame .

  20. 尽管一胎政策不是造成这种现象仅有的原因,但正如印度的情况,它还是难逃其咎。

    The one-child policy is not the sole cause , as India shows , but it has contributed to it .

  21. 痛苦皆因分裂的幻想,就是这些幻想产生了恐惧和内咎,甚至生病。

    All suffering is caused by the illusion of separateness , which generates fear and self-hatred , which eventually causes illness .

  22. 他的尾巴大部分也都不见了,只剩下一个短小的咎,却像是始终在不停地摇呀,摇呀。

    His tail has long age been lost , leaving only the smallest stub , which he would constantly jerk and twitch .

  23. 甚至菠菜和甜菜也难逃其咎,因为它们富含草酸,而大量的草酸是有害的。

    Even spinach and beets are not exempt , since they 're high in oxalic acid , which is harmful in large quantities .

  24. 在早期,他的生涯沉浮休咎,不过现在他已加入了警察部队,似乎已安定下来。

    He had a chequered career in his early days but seems to have settled down now that he 's joined the police force .

  25. 他被判刑,完全是咎由自这个囚犯得到减刑,由死刑改判无期徒刑。

    He was convicted and had only himself to blame . The prisoner obtained a commutation of his sentence from death to life imprisonment .

  26. 并评估咎案有睡眠型态紊乱、自我照顾能力缺失、思考过程紊乱和家庭因应能力失调等四项护理诊断。

    During one-month period , four nursing diagnoses were made , including sleep-pattern disturbance , self-care deficit , thought process disturbance and disabling family coping .

  27. 世界其他国家也难逃其咎,尤其是中国必须为其在非活动造成的影响承担责任。

    The rest of the world cannot wash its hands . China in particular must take responsibility for the impact of its presence in Africa .

  28. 但食品和能源价格高企并非通胀恶化的全部原因&核心通货膨胀率也在节节攀升,宽松的货币政策难逃其咎。

    But this is only part of the story : core inflation rates are also creeping up , and lax monetary policies are to blame .

  29. 如果出了什么差错,如果大火无法得到控制,老板蒂姆·诺曼将难逃其咎。

    And if things go wrong , if the fire gets out of control , it would be burn boss Tim Norman who 's responsible .

  30. 引咎辞职是有咎的领导干部主动承担道德责任及政治责任方式,承认自己的错误并最终辞去相应的职务的行为。

    Resignation is the " blame " leading cadres who undertake political responsibility and moral responsibility admit his mistake and eventually quit the corresponding post behavior .
