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hòu hūn
  • remarriage
后婚 [hòu hūn]
  • [remarried woman] 再婚妇女;二婚

  1. 最后通过借鉴国外有关离婚后婚房居住权的规定,结合实际情况,对我国的离婚后婚房居住权提出了具体制度设计。

    Finally , by drawing on foreign divorce after marriage room residency requirement , combined with the actual situation of divorce after marriage room residency specific system design .

  2. 是事实婚与事实婚形成的事实重婚,即由作为事实婚的前婚与作为事实婚的后婚形成的事实重婚。

    Factual bigamy caused by factual marriage and factual marriage , that is , it is caused by factual marriage as the former marriage and factual marriage as the latter marriage .

  3. 理应借鉴其他国家有关离婚后婚房居住权的规定,从我国司法实践出发,对离婚后婚房居住权的设立条件、取得方式、权利内容、权利丧失等方面进行立法完善。

    Should learn from other countries and the relevant provisions of the right of residence after divorce marriage room , from our judicial practice conditions on the establishment of the right of residence after divorce marriage room , get it right content , the loss of rights legislation is perfect .

  4. 卡米伦从加利福尼亚州立大学退学后结了婚,找了一份卡车司机的工作。

    Cameron dropped out of California State University , got married and worked as a truck driver .

  5. 因此,魏晋志怪中此类故事,在发展形态上处于图腾崇拜的氏族推原神话与唐后的人兽婚故事的过渡阶段。

    So the editions of such tales of the mystery and the supernatural of Wei and Jin dynasty were the transition from the original myth in gens period when totem worship was popular to the stories about the marriages between animals and human beings .

  6. 他们俩一见倾心,六个星期后就结了婚。

    They met , fell for each other and got married six weeks later .

  7. 浅析我国新《婚姻法》颁布实施后国内第一桩婚内索赔案

    The First Claim Case for Compensation During Marriage in China after the New Marriage Law Is Actualized

  8. 返乡后她结了婚,有一个孩子&A.J。通过跑步,她保持身材,获得放松。

    Since coming home she married , had a child-A.J. - and uses running to stay fit and relaxed .

  9. 虽然同居现在是一种能够被人们接受的方法;有60%的同居者在数年后还是结了婚。

    Although living together is now acceptable , 60 per cent of cohabiting couples still get married after a few years .

  10. 他们俩一见倾心,六个星期后就结了婚.斯努克斯夫人每星期一下午在家见客。

    They met , fell for each other and got married six weeks later . Lady Snooks receives on Monday afternoons .

  11. 本文通过分析我国新《婚姻法》颁布实施后国内第一桩婚内索赔案,提出婚内赔偿的必要性和可行性。

    By means of analyzing the first claim case for compensation during marriage in our country after the new marriage law is actualized , the writer puts forward the necessity and feasibility of compensation during marriage .