
  • 网络marxist economics;marxian economics
  1. 马克思经济学与西方主流经济学比较&逻辑体系与核心概念马克思关于资本主义社会生产力的理论分析

    Comparison Between Marxian Economics and Western Modern Economics Unscrambling Marxian Theory of Capital Productivity

  2. 马克思经济学内含的人本主义及其体现从社会学、心理学、经济学、法学和人类学的角度解释可靠的含义。

    Humanism Spirit and Its Embodiment in Marxian Economics Explain reliability from a sociological , psychological , economic , legal , and anthropological point of view .

  3. 马克思经济学和古典经济学研究方法上的演化关系探析

    Deepening Relations on Research Methods of Marxist Economics and Classical Economics

  4. 马克思经济学关于人性假设的现实意义

    On the Practical Significance of the Humanity Hypothesis in Marx 's Economics

  5. 转型期劳动关系的马克思经济学分析

    Analysis on Chinese Work Relations of Present Age with Marxism Economic Viewpoint

  6. 论马克思经济学研究立场的根本转变

    On the Fundamental Change of the Research Standpoint of Marx 's Economics

  7. 人类理性与制度选择&基于马克思经济学的分析视角

    Human Rationality and Institutional Selection & Perspective of Marxist Economics

  8. 马克思经济学对法国调节学派的影响

    The Marxist Economics ' Influences on French Regulation School

  9. 马克思经济学视角下的金融危机理论研究

    The Study on the Financial Crisis Based on Marxist Political Economics ' Angle

  10. 企业组织结构的马克思经济学分析及启示

    The Marxist Economics Analysis of Enterprise Organization and Suggestions

  11. 虚假需求与金融危机&国际金融危机的马克思经济学解析

    Imaginary Demand and Financial Crisis : Interpretation of International Financial Crisis with Marx Economics

  12. 马克思经济学批判的主体性原则

    The Subjective Premise to Marx 's Economic Criticism

  13. 在马克思经济学中,节约是一个具有广泛意义和深刻内涵的重要概念。

    Thrift is a concept with extensive and profound meaning in Marx 's economics .

  14. 试论森岛通夫对马克思经济学的研究

    M. Morishima 's Studies of Marx Economics

  15. 新马克思经济学论纲

    On the Principles of New Marxist Economy

  16. 试析马克思经济学语境中的劳动理论

    Analysis About Labor Theory of Marx Economics

  17. 孔子中庸观与马克思经济学、西方经济学的综合马克思主义政治经济学

    Combining Confucius s Doctrine of Mean with Theories of Marxist and Western Economics ; Marxist political economy

  18. 我国市场经济所采取的一些重大措施,都是马克思经济学原理的运用。

    The important measures taken in our market economy are all the usage of Marxist economics principle .

  19. 马克思经济学重视个人物质利益的分析,但他给个人物质利益的内容以科学的规定;

    It is true that Marxist economics recognizes personal material interests , and have the interests scientifically defined .

  20. 资本主义生产方式变迁中的资本主义制度演进&一个发展马克思经济学的新路径

    The Evolution of Capitalism in the Change of Capitalist Mode of Production & A New Path of Developing Marxist Economics

  21. 两种价值判断与改革目标选择&论新马克思经济学综合创新学派和新自由主义经济学派

    Values and Goals of Reform & A Review on Two Schools of Marxism Economics On the Principles of New Marxist Economy

  22. 另一种是与西方异端经济学融合,在保持马克思经济学研究传统的同时实现对演化经济学的创造性综合。

    The other is integrating with Western dissenting economics and achieving the creative synthesis of evolutionary economics while preserving its Marxist-economics tradition in research .

  23. 马克思经济学的创立使经济学的研究着力于生产关系,涵盖资本主义生产方式的生产过程。

    It is the establishment of Marxist Economics that orients the research into productive relationships , covering the production process of Capitalistic productive means .

  24. 可以利用孔子中庸观中所包含的方法智慧,对马克思经济学与现代西方经济学理论进行综合研究。

    Confucius 's doctrine of mean , for example , can prove of considerable value in the synthesized study of Marxist economic thoughts and western economics .

  25. 结合新实际、新实践和新材料进一步丰富与发展马克思经济学时间观,不仅是马克思主义经济理论自身发展的内在要求,更是社会主义市场经济建设的迫切需要。

    This is not only self-development of Marxist economic theory , the inherent requirements , but also the building of a socialist market economy and an urgent requirement .

  26. 恩格斯晚年坚持对西方主流经济学的批判,并不是为了维护马克思经济学理论的权威性,而是为了保卫马克思经济学理论的科学性。

    He insisted on criticizing the western mainstream economics , but it was not meant to maintain authority of Marxist economics , but to safeguard the scientific nature of Marxist economics .

  27. 发掘和继承马克思经济学中的中介分析方法,有助于克服非此即彼的形而上学思维方式,科学地分析中国转型经济的制度特征。

    Exploring and inheriting the method of medium analysis of Marxian economics will help overcome absoluteness of metaphysics in order to scientifically analyze the institutional characteristics of the transitional economy in China .

  28. 以劳动力商品论和劳动价值论为基础的工资理论,是马克思经济学的重要组成部分,也是其最独特的理论。

    The wage theory , based on the theory of labour power as a commodity and labour theory of value , is one of the most important parts in Marx 's economics .

  29. 马克思经济学很早就证明了剩余价值(利润)是由可变资本(企业人力资本投资)创造的,但又不否认不变资本投资的重要作用。

    Marxist economics have proved that residual value ( profit ) is created by variable capital ( corporate invest in human capital ), but it denied Constant Capital investment in an important role .

  30. 社会主义市场经济建设的伟大实践以及相关学科在时间研究中的积极进展,为丰富与发展马克思经济学时间观提供了必要的基础和条件。

    Also , the building of a socialist market economy , the great practice of academic achievements , as well as related disciplines for the positive progress that provides the conditions for its development .