
lüè duó
  • plunder;loot;pillage;rob;depredation;prey;despoil;robbery;raven;pilfer
掠夺 [lüè duó]
  • [plunder;rob;loot;pilfer;pillage] 凭借暴力抢劫、强取货物(如在战争中)

  • 掠夺财物

  • 掠夺财产

掠夺[lüè duó]
  1. LeeandXiao(2002)更是明确提出了股利政策的大股东掠夺观。显然,在当前的制度背景下,现金股利究竟扮演了什么样的角色还需要进一步的经验证据的支持。

    Lee and Xiao even more clearly proposed the majority shareholder of plunder concept about the dividend policy . Obviously , under the current system background , what role cash dividends actually played needs the support of further empirical evidence .

  2. 一些民族几乎把这种掠夺当成了一种职业:罗马共和国便是一个例子;在成吉思汗(GenghisKhan)及其继承人领导下攀上成功顶峰的欧亚大草原游牧民族则是另一个例证。

    Some peoples made almost a business out of such plunder : the Roman republic was one example ; the nomads of the Eurasian steppes , who reached their apogee of success under Genghis Khan and his successors , were another .

  3. 叛乱者趁火打劫,掠夺财物。

    The rebels went looting and pillaging .

  4. 大型超市的掠夺性价格正威胁着小商店的生计。

    Predatory pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of smaller businesses .

  5. 小公司经营者被银行的掠夺行为吓坏了。

    People who run small businesses are frightened by the predatory behaviour of the banks .

  6. 征服者穿过乡村,一路掠夺。

    The conquerors crossed the country , plundering as they went .

  7. 侵略者在那座城市里掠夺屠杀了两天。

    Invaders looted and massacred for two days in that city .

  8. 这就是士兵们从被占领的城镇掠夺来的所有东西。

    It was all the loot taken by soldiers from the captured town .

  9. 被占领的国家只能默默承受占领所带来的巨大损失,这在德国侵略的欧洲国家中是普遍的现象。占领期间,德国人通过强迫出口将希腊经济掠夺一空。

    As was usually the case in European nations invaded by the germans , the high cost of the occupation was borne by the occupied country & and the Greek economy was plundered through forced exports .

  10. 引发全球金融危机的银行获得了数十亿美元,只有一小部分资金流向了房主和银行掠夺性放贷行为的受害者。

    The banks that brought on the global financial crisis got billions while a tiny bit went to the homeowners and victims of the same banks ' predatory lending practices .

  11. 它杂乱地掠夺其它语言,并以增加新词为乐

    It promiscuously plunders other languages and delights in neologisms .

  12. 他们是掠夺寡妇钱财的金融家

    They are financiers who spoiled widows of their money .

  13. 对乡村的掠夺给他们造成严重创伤。

    The rape of the countryside had a profound ravage on them .

  14. 在希特勒的狂怒和报复下,他们还遭到掠夺和恐怖统治

    They are to be pillaged and terrorised in Hitler 's fury and revenge .

  15. 施舍和掠夺一样可恶,对捐献者和接受者都有失公平

    Charity asas brigandage . Charity is really as unfair to the recipient as the donor .

  16. 他动用其破坏性的军队残暴地掠夺国内的人民。

    He used his ruthless and destructive armies despoil everybody who lived within reach of his realm .

  17. 应该赞许的是,众议院法案提出成立“消费者金融保护局”(consumerfinancialprotectionagency),来保护债务人抵御掠夺性放贷行为。

    To its credit , the House bill does create a consumer financial protection agency to protect borrowers from predatory lending .

  18. Facebook在其使用条款中说明,如果会员对其他用户实行恐吓、骚扰或欺凌,或者参与掠夺或跟踪行为,他们的账户将被查封。

    In its terms of use , Facebook states that members will have their accounts deactivated if they intimidate , harass or bully other users or engage in predatory conduct or stalking .

  19. 命运阴谋掠夺了我们两位世界级的门将,我们灵感四射的队长JT,状态正好的边锋罗本和乔科尔。

    Fate has conspired to rob us of two world class goalkeepers , our inspirational leader JT , in-form winger Arjen Robben and influential midfielder Joe Cole .

  20. 圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)曾说过,如果中国和印度立志学习西方的消费文化,两国人民将像蝗虫般迅速将世界掠夺一空。

    Mahatma Gandhi once said that if China and India were to aspire to a western-style consumer culture , their citizens would quickly strip the earth bare like locusts .

  21. 由于RRC战略较之掠夺性定价温和且更易实施,这一政策对于保持我国出口稳定增长具有一定积极意义。

    Since RRC strategy is moderate and easier to implement comparing to predatory pricing , the subsidy policy could be meaningful to holding China 's export increasing smoothly .

  22. 巴西尔不仅是农民出身,而且在他婴儿时期就被克鲁姆汗(KhanKrum,保加利亚大公,几乎赢得了他参与过的每一场掠夺战争。)给掳走了。

    Basil was not only born into a peasant family , but was also kidnapped by Khan Krum - a man who won virtually every " evil name " contest he ever entered - when he was just an infant .

  23. 试论抗战时期日本对福建的经济统制与经济掠夺

    Japanese Economic Plunder and Control of Fujian During the Anti-Japanese War

  24. 这个帝国是建立在血腥的杀戮和掠夺上的。

    The empire was built on the bloody killing and seizing .

  25. 他们应当不让富人再掠夺穷人。

    They ought to stop the rich from robbing the poor .

  26. 一些国家通过殖民掠夺完成了资本主义原始积累;

    Some completed their capitalist primitive accumulation through colonization and plundering ;

  27. 这些画作立即变成了最大的纳粹掠夺作品归还案。

    The paintings instantly became the most significant nazi-loot restitution cases .

  28. 公司如的确存在掠夺性定价的行为,查实将很困难。

    Establishing that a firm is guilty of predation is difficult .

  29. 恢复了他的勇气:当勇猛掠夺了理智。

    Restores his heart : when valour preys on reason .

  30. 大股东终极控制与掠夺行为研究

    A Study on the Ultimate Control and Predatory Behavior of Big Shareholders