
lā suǒ
  • zipper;zip;zip fastener
  1. 虽然C-FOS与C-JUN通过拉锁构造形成杂二聚体,但C-FOS也可单独表达。

    Although C-FOS and C-JUN formed a hetero - dimer by zipper structure , the C-FOS had the ability of single expression .

  2. 有人去Gap挑选一条牛仔裤,他会发现自己必须在紧身、合身、休闲、宽松、砂洗、酸洗、磨损仿古、纽扣门襟、拉锁门襟等款式中做出选择。

    Going to Gap for a pair of jeans , he finds himself having to choose between slim fit , easy fit , relaxed fit , baggy , stone-washed , acid-washed , distressed , button fly , zipper fly and so on .

  3. 并且是带拉锁的,不是带带子的。

    And with a , with a zip , not straps .

  4. 我惴惴不安地把玩着夹克上的拉锁。

    I fidgeted nervously with the zipper on my jacket .

  5. 预应力锚杆在张拉锁定时的应力损失问题

    Stress Loss Problem of Pre-stressed Anchor during Stretch Locking

  6. 并且在张拉锁定时发现存在预应力损失的问题,并对此进行了分析。

    Prestressing loss during stretching and locking is found , and analyze to these .

  7. 由大扇和两个堵头组成的拉锁包的包体设计

    The Zippered Handbag Design , Consisted of a Big Fan and Two Side Faces

  8. 呃,袋口是带拉锁的,并且还有黄色的手柄。

    Er , it 's got a zip across the top and yellow handles .

  9. 我的拉锁开了。

    My zip has come undone .

  10. 他拉上了箱子的拉锁。

    He zipped his case shut .

  11. 她伸手从她的左袖上拉开一个防水口袋的拉锁,取出一包新新的香烟。

    She reaches over and unzips a waterproof pocket on her left sleeve and pulls out a pack of fresh cigarettes .

  12. 当我睁开眼睛时,我看见她的手又伸进了盒子,拿出了一个蓝色小布钱包,上面有一条银色拉锁。

    When I opened them I saw her reach into the box again and pull out a little blue cloth purse with a silver catch on it .

  13. 随后她开始拉开胸前的那个一直通到底的长拉锁,问他:“你多长时间没干过真正的美事儿了?”

    Then she starts unzipping a longer zipper that runs down the front of her wet suit and she says to him ," And how long has it been since you 've had some real fun ?"