
yǒu hǎo
  • friendly;amicable;friend;goodwill;cordial;amity;close friend;matey
友好 [yǒu hǎo]
  • (1) [close friend]∶好友

  • 生前友好

  • (2) [cordial;friendly;amicable]∶亲近友善

  • 友好关系

友好[yǒu hǎo]
  1. 该人机交互Agent采用多媒体交互技术,具备友好的可配置的功能界面和丰富的功能接口。

    The human-computer agent used multimedia interactive technology , with friend and function configurable interface and abundant function interface .

  2. 本文设计了一个通用性较强、界面友好、使用简便的控制系统参数寻优软件,软件应用MATLAB语言编写,采用了单纯形寻优法。

    Using simplex search , a software of control system parameter optimization based on MATLAB is designed in this paper , it has strong commonality and friend interface .

  3. 他的声音里流露着友好诙谐的语调。

    There was a friendly , bantering tone in his voice .

  4. 他尽力对我友好。

    He was falling over himself to be nice to me .

  5. 很遗憾,我不能接受你的友好邀请。

    I regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation .

  6. 我们很快就和隔壁的夫妇友好相处了。

    We soon became friendly with the couple next door .

  7. 他友好的举止使她产生了一种虚假的安全感。

    His friendly manner lulled her into a false sense of security .

  8. 她的举止很是郑重其事,有可能会显得不友好。

    She has a very formal manner , which can seem unfriendly .

  9. 两队间有某种程度上的友好较量。

    There is a certain amount of friendly rivalry between the teams .

  10. “那很好。”他亲切友好地回答道。

    ' That 's fine , ' he replied amiably .

  11. 当地人对外来客人十分友好热情。

    The local people are very hospitable to strangers .

  12. 我受到了热情友好的接待。

    I was greeted with a show of cordiality .

  13. 旅馆人员友好而且照顾周到。

    The hotel staff are friendly and attentive .

  14. 旅馆服务人员友好而有礼貌。

    The hotel staff are friendly and courteous .

  15. 他们友好坦诚地简述了他们的宗旨。

    They outlined their aims with disarming frankness .

  16. 牛津和德国的波恩结成了友好城市。

    Oxford is twinned with Bonn in Germany .

  17. 这是他们友好的表示。

    It was a neighbourly gesture of theirs .

  18. 每个人都对我十分友好。

    Everyone was very friendly towards me .

  19. 他的微笑热情而友好。

    His smile was warm and friendly .

  20. 当地人很友好。

    The locals are very friendly .

  21. 她友好地挥手致意。

    She waved a friendly greeting .

  22. 这个地方的人很友好——在街上走着就有人上来跟你攀谈。

    It 's a friendly place ─ people come up to you in the street and start talking .

  23. 老人们彼此已不再友好相待。

    The older people had stopped being neighbourly to each other .

  24. 同越南恢复友好关系的迹象越来越明显了。

    There have been growing signs of a rapprochement with Vietnam .

  25. 他说两国之间有着密切友好的关系。

    He said the two countries had close and cordial relations .

  26. 尽管一直在下雨,气氛却相当友好欢快。

    Despite the steady rain , the mood was friendly and festive

  27. 发言人说信函的语气非常友好。

    The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly

  28. 法国和英国之间友好协议的范围已经大幅度拓宽。

    The French entente with Great Britain had already been significantly extended

  29. 朱迪说话时声音很大,十分不友好。

    Judy spoke in a loud , rather unfriendly voice .

  30. 最近他开始主动表示友好,样子笨拙却又招人喜爱。

    He had lately begun to make clumsy yet endearing overtures of friendship