
  • 网络auo;AU Optronics;FRIeNd
  1. 友达光电执行副总经理彭双浪(paulpeng)称,中国在10月初国庆黄金周期间销售的电视机中,约有五分之一是可以上网的电视机。

    Paul Peng , executive vice-president of AUO , said around a fifth of televisions sold in China during the week-long National Day holiday at the beginning of October were Internet-enabled televisions .

  2. 友达光电太阳能事业群副总经理陈建斌(JamesChen)称,欧洲在三年内可以达到电网平价。

    James Chen , executive in charge of AU Optronics ' solar business , says grid parity could be achieved in Europe within three years .

  3. 他并表示,目前配用低功耗LED背光模组的新款笔记本和轻薄型电视产品在全球的销量走势良好,证明友达公司早期花费在有关新技术上的投资没有白费。

    He said that new laptops and thinner TV models with power-saving LED backlights are selling well worldwide , and Au 's early investment in the new technology helps it add value .

  4. 东芝公司表示,它将把在新加坡的一家制造小型液晶显示器的工厂,出售给台湾友达光电(auoptronics)。

    Toshiba said it was selling a plant in Singapore that made small liquid crystal displays to AU Optronics of Taiwan .

  5. 世界第三大平板显示器制造商友达光电(AUOptronics)的执行副总经理彭双浪(PaulPeng)表示:平均而言,中国人购买的电视机尺寸是全球最大的。

    China is on average buying the biggest TVs in the world , said Paul Peng , executive vice-president at AU Optronics , the world 's third-biggest flat-panel maker .

  6. 但这一简单计算忽略了痛苦的整合过程以及台湾在技术整合方面缺乏经验&台湾唯一的一次大型合并是在2001年创建了平板显示器制造商友达光电(AUOptronics)。

    But that simple calculation overlooks the painful integration process and Taiwan 's inexperience in technology consolidation – its only big merger was to create flat-panel display-maker AU Optronics in 2001 .

  7. 奇美上月宣布与元太科技建立类似的合作伙伴关系,而友达光电此前已购得sipiximaging的31.6%股权,后者采用一种与eink竞争的技术生产电子纸。

    Chi Mei last month announced a similar partnership with PVI , and AU Optronics earlier took a 31.6 per cent stake in sipix imaging , which uses a rival technology to e ink to produce e-paper .

  8. 台湾证券交易所已要求奇美解释,为何在上周五发表声明,否认报纸有关该公司可能与群创或友达光电(auoptronics)合并的报道。

    Taiwan Stock Exchange Corp has asked Chi Mei to explain why it issued a statement on Friday denying a newspaper report about a possible merger with either Innolux or AU Optronics .

  9. 再次欢迎来到圣友达的常青藤联合会集会

    Welcome again to the Constance Billard St.Jude 's ivy week mixer .

  10. 而友达光电是唯一一家坚持表示自己无罪的公司。

    AU Optronics , however , is the only company to insist it was innocent .

  11. 和友达光电一样,台积电也想实现在这个新业务领域的纵向整合。

    Like AU Optronics , TSMC is looking to become vertically integrated in this new business .

  12. 检方指控,友达光电与其它面板制造商在2001年至2006年间合谋操纵面板价格。

    Prosecutors allege that AU Optronics conspired with other flat panel makers to fix prices for its products between 2001 and 2006 .

  13. 东莞市友达机电设备有限公司向您郑重承诺:我们为售出的产品提供终身的售后服务。

    The Dongguan friend reaches the electromechanical device Limited company to pledge seriously to you : We to sell the product provides the post-sale service lifelong .

  14. 实际上,同性之间,可能存在一种所谓“友达以上,恋人未满”的微妙情感。

    Actually , some subtile emotion would exist between persons of the same gender , which is more intimate than friendship , but less than love .

  15. 友达光电表示,第三季度期间,笔记本显示器面板价格下跌约27%,电视机面板价格下跌16%。

    Notebook monitor panel prices fell by around 27 per cent , and TV panel prices fell by 16 per cent during the third quarter , according to AUO .

  16. 它能够使友达光电更好地了解自身的优势和劣势,为企业在作相关决策时提供必要的产业资讯。

    The thesis enables AU Optronics Corporation to know its own market competition advantages and disadvantages better and provides necessary industry information for the company to make a good decision .

  17. 如果你想有效地摆脱掉友达以上的标签,你可以做些大的改变,比如减肥、洗心革面,或者对自己的行头做一番迥异的改变。

    In terms of being desirable , it can be something which makes you look different so you might lose weight or you could change your looks slightly going from a smart to a more casual look or you could have a completely different wardrobe .