
  • 网络soviet literature;literature of Soviet Union
  1. 当代苏联文学的天人合一

    " The Unity of Heaven and Man " in Modern Soviet Literature

  2. 我过去常常去东德购买苏联文学作品。

    I used to go to the East and buy Soviet literature .

  3. 苏联文学艺术界持不同政见者现象分析

    Analysis of dissident phenomenon in literary and art circles in the Soviet Union

  4. 抗战文学中的新人形象与苏联文学

    The People of New Type in Literature of Anti-Japanese War and Soviet Literature

  5. 偏离与错位&对苏联文学与中国十七年文学关系的反思

    Deflection and Dislocation & Reflection on the Relations between Soviet and 1949-1966 Chinese Literature

  6. 苏联文学教学模式的教育学理论基础是凯洛夫的五个环节理论。

    The theory basis of pedagogy in Soviet Union is " five periods " .

  7. 苏联文学并非昨日黄花

    Soviet Literature Is Not Languishing

  8. 苏联文学在中国的传播在20世纪50年代达到高潮有其深刻的社会心理和文化原因。

    The prevalence of Soviet literature in China in 1950s has its profound social psychology and cultural background .

  9. 对于反映社会主义成就的苏联文学,他更是以探索一种革命道路的态度来学习。

    Concerning to the Soviet literature , he wanted to probe one revolutionary theory for study even more .

  10. 苏联文学给予了中国文学以巨大的影响,尤其在当代文学的生成与建构上。

    Soviet literature has had exerted great influence on Chinese literature particularly in the formation of contemporary literature .

  11. 值得凭吊的墓地&透视五十年代苏联文学热

    A Graveyard Worth of Visiting and Pondering on & A Profound Survey of the Craze for Soviet Literature in 1950s

  12. 苏联文学理论和作品的大量译介,给它带来了正负两方面的影响。

    Soviet Union literary theory and a great quantity of translated works , brought about both positive and negative influences .

  13. 50年代前期我国的文学理论教材建设,受苏联文学理论影响很大,但同时又存在着摆脱苏联教条主义,努力创新的精神,诸如理论构架有重要调整;

    Before the 1950s , the compilation of our country 's literary theoretical textbooks was deeply influenced by the literary theory of the U.S.S.

  14. 非文学意义上的对外文学关系,导致17年文学创作很少受除苏联文学之外其他国家文学的影响。

    The relations between Chinese and foreign literatures in non-literary sense made literary creation influenced much less by the foreign literatures except Soviet literature .

  15. 苏联文学中所塑造的英雄形象,从一开始就吸引着王蒙,缔造着他文学创作的英雄史观。

    The heroic images created in Soviet-Russian Literature attracted Wang Meng from the beginning , founding the heroic history view of his literary creation .

  16. 而在鲁迅的翻译版图里,俄国和苏联文学又是占有最大、最丰富的板块,大约占译文的三分之二。

    In the translation territory , the Russian and Soviet literature holds the largest and most extensive section , approximately two-thirds of the translation .

  17. 与同时期的苏联文学作品相比,《静静的顿河》在当代中国的接受颇具代表性和特殊性。

    Compared to the Soviet literature in the same period , " Quiet Flows the Don " quite typical and special representative in contemporary Chinese .

  18. 苏联文学教学模式对我国语文教学的影响&兼谈我国语文阅读教学模式的改革

    On the Influence of Literary Teaching Patterns in Soviet Union to Chinese Teaching in China & On Reform of Teaching Patterns of Chinese Reading in China

  19. 斯大林去世后,苏联文学进入了解冻时期,在苏联文学同行的影响下,中国境内在1956、1957年之交出现了百花文学。

    The influences were mainly manifested in Chinese poetry and novel writing . After the death of Stalin , Soviet literature came into the period of Unfreeze .

  20. 五十年代,爱伦堡的长篇小说《解冻》的发表,是苏联文学史上的巨大转折点,它标志着一个新的文学时代的开始。

    The publication of Allanbarg 's novel " Thaw " marked a turning point in the history of the Russian literature and the began of a new literature age .

  21. 斯大林体制占统治地位后,苏联文学经历了曲折发展的道路,波澜壮阔的文学大潮被分裂为三个支流。

    When Stalin 's system became dominant , Russian literature went through a zigzag road of development , as a result of which the rolling stream of literature divided into three tributaries .

  22. 布尔加科夫是苏联文学史上的重要作家,他的代表作《大师和玛格丽特》更是苏联“回归文学”中的经典之作。

    Bulgakov is an author of importance in the literary history of the Soviet Union , and his masterpiece Master and Margareta is regarded as a classic in its " returning literature " .

  23. 俄罗斯古典文学和苏联文学中的许多女性笃信上帝,富于自我牺牲精神,带有一种宗教禁欲主义的崇高圣洁之美。

    There were many women who sincerely believed in God and were imbued with the spirit of self-sacrifice . In classical Russian and Soviet literature these women possessed the virtue of holy religious asceticism .

  24. 天人合一这一东方传统的审美文化精神,在当代苏联文学中注入新的内涵,呈现出现代性、全球性之特征。

    As such , " the unity of heaven and man ", the traditional oriental aesthetic cultural spirit , has been laden with fresh connotations in contemporary Soviet literature , thus having featured modernity and globalism .

  25. 浅谈苏联战争文学的历史演变

    Historic Evolution of Russian War literature

  26. 作品方面的译介主要包括两大部分,即俄罗斯古典文学,尤其是19世纪的俄国现实主义作品,还有苏联的文学作品。

    Literary works translated can be grouped two heads : That is the classical Russian literature , especially the realistic works of the nineteenth century and the Soviet works .

  27. 曹文轩说,多亏身为小学校长的父亲,他得以读到这样一些故事以及苏联儿童文学和中国现代文学。

    Through his father , an elementary school principal , Mr. Cao said , he read some of those stories , as well as Soviet children 's literature and Chinese modern literature .

  28. 苏联当代文学探索人类的精神道德问题,是20世纪下半期世界文坛凸显的文学现象。

    The probe into mental and ethic issues of mankind in modern Soviet literature is a marked literary phenomenon in the literary arena of the world in the later half of the 20th century .

  29. 任何“封建主义”、“资本主义”和“修正主义”的东西都不能读,这就意味着所有中国古典诗词和小说、西方文学,以及来自闹翻的对手——苏联的文学作品都不能碰。

    We weren 't allowed to read anything that was " feudalist , " " capitalist " or " revisionist . " That meant all classical Chinese poetry and fiction ; all Western literature ; all writing from our treacherous rival , the Soviet Union .

  30. 论前苏联20年代文学中的同路人现象

    On the Phenomenon of " Fellow Traveller s " in Former USSR 's Literature during 1920 's