
yòu yīn
  • incentive;inducement;motivation;predisposition;occasion;spark;causation;remote cause
诱因 [yòu yīn]
  • [occasion] 导致某种情况发生的原因

  • 诗的特定的诱因则不得而知

诱因[yòu yīn]
  1. 贵州地质灾害的主要类型和诱因及其预防建议

    Major Types of Geological Hazards and Predisposition in Guizhou and Its Preventive Suggestion

  2. 他得肺炎的诱因是感冒。

    The predisposition to his pneumonia was a cold .

  3. 偏头痛的其他诱因还有电脑的视频显示器和灯管照明。

    Other causes of migraine are VDU screens and strip-lighting .

  4. 对猫类过敏是哮喘病发作最常见的诱因之一。

    Allergy to cats is one of the commonest causes of asthma .

  5. 研究所正在探究动脉损伤的诱因。

    The research institute is on the track of what causes the artery damage .

  6. 吸烟注定会带来恶果,它或许是最主要的而且是唯一一个可以预防的心脏病诱因。

    Smoking is a one-way ticket to doom and is probably the most important single preventable cause of heart disease .

  7. 他这场病的诱因是着了凉。

    His illness was brought on by a chill .

  8. 这种弓背症状可能会导致脊柱永久性弯曲,同时也是大部分颈部和背部问题以及五成头疼问题的诱因。

    The iHunch can result in permanent curvature of the spine2 and is the underlying3 problem of most neck and back issues and up to 50 percent of headaches .

  9. “烤肤综合征”指因为长期接触热源导致的皮肤出红疹症状,长时间把笔记本电脑放在大腿上操作是该症状的常见诱因之一,因此该症状也被称为“笔记本电脑腿”。

    Toasted skin syndrome1 refers to a skin rash caused by lengthy2 exposure to a heat source , such as laptop computer balanced on the thighs4 for an extended period . That is why it is also called laptop thigh3 .

  10. 钻具失效诱因及湿H2S环境危害探讨

    Discuss of Effectiveness Lose Inducement and Damage to BHA in Wet H_2S Environment

  11. 因此,治疗MAT的关键是去除病因和诱因,同时辅以有效的抗心律失常药物。

    So the key to the treatment of MAT lies in exterminating its causes and predisposing causes .

  12. 结果:IgA肾病及HSPN在民族、性别间的构成及诱因方面无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    Results : There are no significant differences between IgAN and HSPN on sex , race and risk factors .

  13. 通货膨胀诱因的OLS及多元统计实证分析

    OLS Regression and Multivariate Statistical Analysis on Inflation Incentives

  14. 结论相当部分老年人AMI临床症状不典型,多无诱因,并发症及伴发症多且溶栓率低而死亡率高。

    Conclusion Partial clinical symptoms of old patients with AMI were not typical . Their thrombolytic therapy rate were low and death rate were high .

  15. B组有明显诱因患者仅占29.35%,老年患者占37.20%,两组比较均有非常显著性差异(P均<0.01)。

    However , in group B only 29 35 % had notable predisposing factors , elder patients were 37 20 % , and significant differences were found between group A and B ( P < 0 01 ) .

  16. 结论①任何造成全身免疫或局部免疫功能下降的因素,都可诱发男性GH的复发,避免诱因和应有免疫增强剂后,GH复发率明显降低。

    Conclusion Lowered immune function is related to the recurrence of GH , immunomodulating agents can raise the cure rate of GH .

  17. 在46例无明显诱因患者中,出现胃、十二指肠溃疡或炎症合并幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染者12例,病毒感染7例。

    Among 46 cases without obvious inducement , 12 of them had peptic ulcer or inflammation complicating Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) infection and 7 with virus infection .

  18. 目的:探讨儿童弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)的诱因、实验室检查、诊断及治疗。

    Objective : To investigate the inducement , laboratory examinations , diagnosis and treatment in disseminated intravascular coagulation in children .

  19. 认为造成溶血的原因,除G6PD缺乏外,还应考虑酶本身的变异与蚕豆以外的其他并存诱因。

    The cause of hemolysis is considered not only as a lack of G-6-PD in erythrocytes but also as the other inducements including fava beans , such as the variation of enzyme and soon .

  20. 劳累是主要诱因,因精神应激诱发者、发病前有先兆者均多于城市组(P<0.05~0.01);

    ( P < 0 . 05 ~ 0.001 ); ② exhaustion is the major enhancing cause : and those induced by emotional stress an omen of AMI are more than those in civic group ( P < 0.05 ~ 0 . 01 );

  21. 结论:①感染是G-6-PD缺陷病并急性溶血的首位诱因。

    Conclusion : Infection is the major cause of newborn G-6-PD deficiency complicating acute hemolysis .

  22. 深州蜜桃黑斑病(Alternariaalternata)的研究Ⅱ.侵染规律和发病诱因枣干腰缩果病症状类型及侵染规律研究

    Study on Occurrence of Peach Black Spot ( Alternaria alternata ) and Disease Disposition Occurrence and symptoms of jujube fruit shrink

  23. 结果上矢状窦血栓最常见的病因是产褥期血液高凝状态,3例未查到明确诱因的青年男性患者,血清中E2↑、E2↑、T↑。

    Results The most common reason of SSST was hypercoagulable state of perinatal period . 3 of cases of idiopathic made patients showed elevated E2 and E2 / T value .

  24. 通过问卷调查,对我国CUBA篮球联赛大学生观众社会心理、赛场行为及其行为产生的诱因进行了定量与定性相结合分析。

    By means of investigation , the paper analyzes the undergraduate audience 's social psychology , their performance in match fields and reasons leading to it in the CUBA Basketball games .

  25. 应查明当地导致BAS的病因和诱因,制定并实施综合的防制措施。

    The pathogeny and inducement leading to BAS in the locality need to be found out , and comprehensive preventing measures are then laid down and adopted .

  26. PSE肉的严重汁液流失是肌浆蛋白和肌球蛋白变性的结果,而宰后早期(6h前)的低pH是蛋白质变性的主要诱因;

    These data indicated that high drip loss of PSE was due to the denaturation of sarcoplasmic protein and myosin , which were the results from lower pH at early postmortem time .

  27. 发病诱因中感染因素HSPN组占61.6%,非HSPN组41.7%;

    Infection was one of the evoking factors , covering 61.6 % in HSPN group and 41.7 % in non HSPN group .

  28. 结论不同诱因的DUB导致子宫出血的直接因素均是毛细血管内皮细胞中CD34和基膜中LN的减少。

    Conclusion Whatever the inducement of DUB is , the direct changes of DUB is the decreasing of CD34 in endothelial cell and LN in basement membrane of capillary vessel .

  29. 目的探讨儿童血管迷走性晕厥(VVS)诱因与先兆的特点。

    Objective To study the characteristics of the inducement and prodrome of children with vasovagal syncope ( VVS ) .

  30. 急性肺损伤(acutelunginjury,ALI)是临床上各种原因危重病患者常见的肺部严重并发症。常见诱因可以分为两大类:间接因素和直接因素。

    Acute lung injury ( ALI ) is a serious complication in the patients with critical illnesses . All the clinical reasons can be divided into two cases : a indirect causes originated from outside of the lung and direct insults on the lung .