
  • 网络A History of Chemistry;History of Science
  1. 化学史上两则问题新解

    New explanations about two controversial issues in the history of chemistry

  2. 化学史教育在课堂教学中对培养学生科学素养有它自己特殊的功能。

    The history of chemistry has its own special function in classroom teaching .

  3. 用化学史对学生进行德育渗透的尝试

    Attempt of Moral Education to Students by Way of Chemistry History

  4. 化学史:从历史的化学到历史中的化学

    History of Chemistry : From Historic Chemistry to Chemistry in History

  5. 化学史教学在学生理解知识结构中的作用

    The Function of Chemistry History Education in Comprehending Knowledge Structure for Students

  6. 谈化学史教育在高校化学教学中的作用

    Chemical History of Education in University in the Role of Chemistry Education

  7. 化学史教育的理论和实践研究

    A Study on the Theories and Practice of the Chemistry History Education

  8. 化学史教育的发展历程及其教育功能

    Process of Development and Function of Education of Chemistry History

  9. 立体化学史上两次大的突破

    The Two Important Impacts in The History of Stereochemistry

  10. 基于化学史教育的高中校本课程开发

    School-based Curriculum Development in High School on the Basis of Chemical History Education

  11. 邮票上的光谱学史、化学史和光学史课件的制作

    Courseware Design of History of Spectroscopy , Chemistry and Optics on Postage Stamp

  12. 那么化学史教育究竟会对学生和老师产生什么影响?

    What influence should the chemical history education cause to students and teachers ?

  13. 新课程背景下对化学史教育价值的再认识

    Recognizing the Chemistry History Education Under the New Curriculum

  14. 邮票上的化学史网站开发

    Development of the Chemical History on the Stamp Website

  15. 炼金术和化学史学会

    Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry

  16. 浅谈化学史上的探究给新课程的启示

    Shallow talk that the investigation of the chemistry history gives the new curricular apocalypse

  17. 内蒙古化学史研究Ⅳ铁的冶炼和应用

    The History of Chemistry in Inner Mongolia ⅳ . The Manufacture and Use of Iron in Inner Mongolia

  18. 文章从三个方面阐释了化学史在无机化学教学中的重要作用。

    This article expounds the important function of chemical history in inorganic chemistry teaching from following three aspects .

  19. 本文从课堂、实验、化学史和媒体等方面,讨论如何培养师范生的科学素养。

    The paper attempts to discuss how to cultivate such understanding through classroom , experiment , chemical history and media .

  20. 国内外教育工作者在研究中发现:利用化学史进行化学教学有利于提高学生的科学素养。

    Domestic and foreign educators found from the study that teaching the chemistry history is good for improving students ' scientific literacy .

  21. 将来写物理学史、化学史、生物学史、和生理学史的历史家,不会提到他们的姓名和其著作。

    The future historians of physics , chemistry , biology , and physiology will not have to mention their names and their work .

  22. 内蒙古化学史研究&Ⅸ.内蒙古东部地区天然碱的早期开采与应用

    The history of chemistry in Inner Mongolia ⅸ . the earliest exploitation and application of trona in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia

  23. 本文主要从认知理论同化学史教学的结合实践上对化学史教学对学生的影响加以阐述。

    Based on the combination of cognizance theory and practice of chemistry history teaching , this paper expounds the influence of chemistry history teaching to students .

  24. 而国外教材中融入了大量的化学史、科学哲学和科学社会学的内容,这是值得借鉴的。

    There are a lot of things about the history of chemistry , philosophy of science and sociology of science worth learning in the foreign textbook .

  25. 化学史是关于化学科学的产生、形成和发展的历史的科学,它包括化学发展史、化学社会史和化学思想史。

    Chemistry history shows the process of the occurrence , formation and development of chemistry . It comprises chemistry development history , chemistry society history and chemistry ideology .

  26. 化学史教育是一个古老而又年轻的教育话题,很久以来,世界各国的教育志士对科学史教育的呼吁和探索从不曾停止。

    Chemistry history education is an old and young educational topic . This many a day , educational person of ideals and integrity has lots of appeal and exploration in the world .

  27. 从课程内容编排、计算机辅助教学、科研促进教学、化学史教学等方面总结了在仪器分析教学中的一些实践经验。

    Some experiences including the edit of curriculum contents , computer aided instruction , the relation between scientific research and teaching and the education of chemical history have been summarized in instrumental analysis teaching .

  28. 研究结果表明:化学史教育在激发学生的学习兴趣、树立正确的人生观、提高科学素质和创新能力方面有积极作用,促进教师提高自身素质,但是也给教师加重负担。

    The results of this research indicated that chemical history education has active functions to raise the learning interest of student , build up correct philosophy and enhance innovation ability and the scientific quality of student .

  29. 以化学史、化学科学美和环境教育三大方面为突破口,探索了化学教学中如何贯穿人文精神。

    From three aspects-the history of chemistry , the beauty of chemistry and the education of environment , the author tries to find out a way in which humanistic spirit can run through our chemistry education .

  30. 本文对国内外科学史和化学史教育问题的提出和研究进展进行综述,并阐述了化学史教育在化学教学中的重要作用。

    This paper studied the introduction and present situation of the education of scientific history and chemistry history in domestic and overseas , also expounded the important function of the education of chemistry history in chemistry teaching .