
Electronic structure of 60 ° edge dislocation in semiconductor material Ge
Measurement of Magnetic Resistance of Germanium at Low Temperature
The discovery of Ge transistor in Bell library in 1947 , and the naissance of the first commercial transistor after five years , leading to the flourish development of microelectronics and the advent of the contemporary information , can be the greatest embodiment of this .
A procedure for determinating 23 elements in ultra-high purity Ge by Glow Dis-charge Mass Spectrometer ( GDMS ) is reported in this paper .
Semiconductors , such as silicon , germanium , are sensitive to light , heat , electricity and magnetism . Because of this unique electrical properties , they have become the most active advanced materials in the fields of science and technology .
For example , in the industries of atomic energy and semiconductor , the purity of argon , helium , silicon , and germanium is 99.99 % , some of them even exceeds 99 . 9999 % .