
A semiempirical model is developed to design the arrays .
Semi-empirical Solution on Bearing Capacity of Strip Footing Considering Unit Weight of Soil
The semi-empirical calculation of dose enhancement
The combustion model of solid propellant and its semiempirical theory under the crossflow of high temperature gases
Structure and Cohesive Energy of Cu Clusters (ⅰ) & Application of Embedded Atom Method to Study of Metal Clusters
A reliable and applicable semi-experience calculation model for structure crack remote measurement has been obtained by analyzing the experiment results of the relation between the optical loss in fiber and the crack width .
So many scientists are being infatuated with the enigma of creation mechanism of turbulence in several centuries , which was named the last puzzle of the classical Physics . But researches on turbulence are not progressing smoothly and remain at the level of half experience and immature theory .
Based on the compression mechanism of N-block masonry , a semi-empirical and theoretical formula of compressive strength is presented for grouted N-block masonry . And results calculated by the formulas were in good agreement with the test results .
Deduced the track formulas of the jet flow velocity z component w isoline patch vortexes centers movement , and through semi-empirical method , got vortexes centers movement track x component and z component equation with time .
The Prandtl semi-empirical turbulent theory is applied to deduce the expression of the relationship between the hydraulic factors of ice-covered rivers .
By choosing a group of available free integral parameters , a semiempirical theoretic method based on the crossflow theory and Wardlaw 's concentrated votex method is used to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics of air bomb without fin at hige angle of attack .
Most of the design theories have a large margin of error by using semi-empirical method .
Predecessors had obtained many empirical and semi-empirical formulas for calculating the interfacial friction factor of stratified flow .
Theoretical basis for semi-analytic method in tunnel support design & tunnel rock-support system is an open complex giant system
On the basis of the existing experimental data , a method was developed to calculate the velocity profiles of self aerated flow .
In this paper , an effective method of simulating the distributions of climatic elements in mountainous areas by using semiempirical theory is presented .
What 's more , common mothods for solving temperature field are also introduced : heat exchange method , approximate numerical value method and semi-analytical method .
In time domain , the maximal vibration displacement is calculated on the basis of experimental data via the semi-experiential and semi-theoretical method in this paper .
The results of numerical calculation compared well with test data , as illustrated that this semi-empirical and semi-theoretical formula for predicting the bore pressure is feasible .
It is high expense and long period to design and research and develop new typical Centrifugal Pump in traditional and half empirical and half theoretical way .
Made in actual design and construction , theory support is still inadequate , the research is still in a state of half experience and half theory .
There are many tunnels in our country , but it is not expert in design tunnels , because the design technique is at a semi-empirical and semi-theoretical stage .
Firstly this paper presented the methods of determining the initial stiffness of top-seat angles connections and brought forward a formula about the initial stiffness of this type connection .
In this method , pure numerical simulation is used to simulate structure dynamic response under fluid impact , and it can detach the limitations of semi-theoretical semi-empirical formula .
Based on to the concepts of passive pile and soil arch effect a semi empirical formula for calculating extreme resistance of stabilizing piles for resisting land slide is deduced .
Based on the theory of the radiation transfer and some physical approximation techniques , a numerical climatological method for the radiation budget in the troposphere over China is proposed .
Based on the semi-experience and semi-theory formula , the calculation methods of the T-type rigid connection joints in circular tube structure and the effects of joint flexibility on the structure system are presented .
The current biaxial bending design formula always use the moment magnifier factor of in plane bending , which based on finite tests data , it 's a semi - theoretical - semi-experience formula .
Mixer is one of the most pivotal equipments in the feed industry . Though there have been many experiments and academic researches about mixers at present , the theories and design methods are not so perfect .
The flood developing procedure after clay dam bursting is ascertained by using semi-theoretical and theories semi-empirical relationship , which can provide some scientific basis for the feasibility research of the scheme of Taohe River 's comprehensive treatment .