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  • 网络a chromatic scale
  1. 与半音音阶有关的或为基础的。

    Of , relating to , or based on the chromatic scale .

  2. 半音音阶由钢琴上一个八度的全部工2个黑白键组成。

    The chromatic scale is made of the 12 black and white keys within an octave on the piano .

  3. 带有已调整的产生半音音阶的木棒和共鸣器的打击乐器;用小槌棒演奏。

    A percussion instrument with wooden bars tuned to produce a chromatic scale and with resonators ; played with small mallets .

  4. 当年还是一个音乐人的时候,弗里曼多年来坚持每天早起,衣服都还没穿上,就开始进行单簧管半音音阶练习。

    As a musician , Freeman rose every morning for years to practice chromatic scales on the clarinet before even putting his pants on .

  5. 斯基德莫尔的律师们呈上证据,表明两支乐队在事业生涯早期的巡演途中曾经碰面,来自音乐专家的证词称,两首歌有共同的和弦走向,更明显的是,它们都有一条下行的半音音阶贝斯线。

    Lawyers for Mr. Skidmore presented evidence showing that the bands crossed paths while touring early in their careers , as well as testimony from music experts saying that both songs shared a similar chord progression and , most distinctively , a descending bass line in a chromatic scale .

  6. (音乐)基于有12个半音组成的音阶。

    ( music ) based on a scale consisting of 12 semitones .