
  • 网络Khin Nyunt
  1. 觉登、桑朋被报道已建议,在与民族集团领导人打交道,钦纽应该是一个关键的谈判代表。

    Both Kyaw Thein and San Pwint are reported to have recommended that Khin Nyunt should be a key negotiator with ethnic leaders .

  2. 缅甸博客圈子指责丹纽博士与被推翻的前情报局长钦纽中将进行会商并受其操纵控制,钦纽中将是他的姐夫。

    Some Burmese blogs have accused Than Nyein of meeting with and being influenced by the ousted former intelligence chief , Gen Khin Nyunt , who is his brother-in-law .

  3. 如果他这样做,他将遵循钦纽将军的路径。

    If he does , he will follow the path that Gen Khin Nyunt .

  4. 消息来源说,缅甸军政权主要谈判代表和新成立的军事安全局,在民族问题上全无悟性,与钦纽的军情局完全不同。

    Sources have said that the junta 's key negotiators and the MAS are not savvy on ethnic issues & a significant difference from Khin Nyunt 's MI .

  5. 钦纽中将已经准许偶尔离居所外出活动。丹瑞大将最近召见钦纽中将咨询有关停火民族武装问题处置办法。

    Khin Nyunt is reportedly allowed to make occasional trips outside his home and was recently asked for advice by junta chief Snr-Gen Than Shwe in dealing with the ceasefire armed ethnic groups .

  6. 所有的将军仓促到会,他们都是在一个房间等待。而丹瑞将军、孟诶副将、丁吴将军、钦纽将军在另一个房间里。

    All the generals rushed into the meeting , and they all were taken into one room while Snr-Gen Than Shwe , Vice Snr-Gen Maung Aung , Gen Tin Oo and Gen Khin Nyunt were in another room .