
  • 网络Kipchaks
  1. 认为萨满巫师祭祀神灵,会给钦察部落人民和勇士带来幸福。

    This Shrine to Tengri helps bring happiness to both the Kypchak people and warriors .

  2. 陆上丝绸之路分为南线和北线,它自中国北部的商业中心沿北线穿过保加利亚钦察地区到达东欧和克里米亚半岛,再从哪里穿过黑海、马尔马拉海和巴尔干半岛到达威尼斯;

    The continental Silk Road diverges into North and South routes as it extends from the commercial centers of North China , the North route passing through the Bulgar-Kypchak zone to Eastern Europe and the Crimean peninsula , and from there across the Black Sea , Marmara Sea and the Balkans to Venice ;