
yā jīn
  • deposit;security;margin;cash pledge
押金 [yā jīn]
  • [deposit;cash pledge] 用作抵押的钱

  • 汽水瓶的押金是五角

押金[yā jīn]
  1. 他现在穷得连租钱都不能付了,更不用说押金了。

    He is too poor to pay the rent right now , let alone the cash pledge .

  2. 简介了构建环境押金制度的背景,论述了建立该制度的必要性和可行性。

    The paper introduces the background of building environmental cash pledge system , and summaries the necessity and feasibility of building the system .

  3. 须预付10%的押金。

    A 10 % deposit is payable in advance .

  4. 未能在规定期限内提出申请的买家可能会拿不回押金。

    Buyers who do not apply within the stated period can lose their deposits .

  5. 房东可以收取一笔可退还的押金。

    Landlords can charge a returnable deposit .

  6. 要求交一个月的房租作押金是很常见的。

    It is common to ask for the equivalent of a month 's rent as a deposit .

  7. 你退瓶子的时候我们将退还押金给你。

    When you return the bottle we 'll return your deposit .

  8. 请问您是要分开付押金还是一起付呢?

    How would you like to pay the deposit , together or separately ?

  9. 船主扣下了他们的一半押金,以赔偿他们造成的损失。

    The owner of the boat kept back half their deposit to pay for the damage they had done .

  10. 该公司已经从包括史蒂芬·霍金在内的约800名未来的太空旅客手中获得了押金。

    The company has already taken deposits from around 800 would-be space tourists , including Stephen Hawking .

  11. 重要的问题包括:瓶罐押金的具体金额以及该制度是包括超市中常见的大号饮料瓶,还是仅限于随身携带的小号饮料瓶。

    Key questions are how much deposit should be charged and whether it should apply to large supermarket bottles or just to smaller bottles on the go .

  12. 虽然环境保护主义者们对此感到高兴,但一些业界人士担心其价格费用,因为商户可能会被要求为安装和运行押金退还项目掏腰包。

    Environmentalists are delighted but some industry figures may be worried about the price tag because business could be asked to pick up the bill for installing and running the deposit return scheme .

  13. W:你也许可以咨询你的银行看看是否可以把押金减到最少。

    W : You might consult your bank and see if you could reduce the required deposit to a minimum .

  14. SpaceX官网提供了更多细节,称这两名乘客已交付一大笔押金,并将于今年年底接受初步训练。

    SpaceX provided additional details on its website , noting that the two passengers have already paid a significant deposit and will undergo initial training later this year .

  15. BP将要偿还Bridas为泛美能源交易支付的35亿美元押金(此外还将支付7亿美元,用于解决商业纠纷)。

    BP is to repay the $ 3.5bn deposit Bridas paid it as security for the Pan American transaction ( it will also hand over an extra $ 700m to settle outstanding commercial disputes ) .

  16. 只用500万法国法郎启动资金建立,而且由于有MaisonBouygues客户存入的押金,所以融资成本很低。

    With just FFr5m in initial share capital , the business was cheap to set up and , because Maison Bouygues 's customers put down deposits , its financing costs were low .

  17. 正如本函中所述,请代我公司签发一份共同海损证书,以使我方不必支付该批货物CIF价值13%的押金。

    As stated therein , you are requested to issue a General Average Guarantee on our behalf in order that we , as consignee , need not pay the deposit amounting to13 % of the CIF value of the cargo .

  18. 我的房东硬是不肯退回我的担保押金。

    My former landlord absolutely refuses to return my security deposit .

  19. 您预定时已经交过押金了。

    You have paid the deposit when you reserved the room .

  20. 你得先交10美元押金。

    You 've to pay a deposit of $ 10 first .

  21. 另外,银行还得收20%的押金。

    Additionally the bank has to charge 20 % down payment .

  22. 幸好我们把押金拿了回来。

    Luckily , we were able to get the deposit back .

  23. 要预定这房间,你得付50美元的押金。

    You have to deposit $ 50 to reserve the room .

  24. 我搬出去的时候能拿回押金吗?

    Will I get the deposit back when I move out ?

  25. 设备的租金和押金在不同的单据上。

    The equipment rental and deposit will go on separate slips .

  26. 房东在何种情况下必须支付房租押金利息?

    Under what conditions must landlords pay interest on security deposits ?

  27. 那么请您预付300美元的押金。

    Then may I ask for a deposit of $ 300 ?

  28. 银行已通知我付那笔押金。

    The bank has instructed me when to pay the deposit .

  29. 所有押金都该由你去退还。

    It 's up to you to pay back all deposits .

  30. 我还要预付1个月的押金。

    And I have to deposit one month rent in advance .