
  • 网络Chicano;Mexican American
  1. 墨西哥裔美国人和非西班牙裔白人的缺血性脑卒中亚型

    Ischemic stroke subtypes among Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites : The BASIC project

  2. 这种情况在印第安人、墨西哥裔美国人和太平洋岛民中已有很多报道。

    This scenario has been well documented in Pima Indians , Mexican Americans , and Pacific Islanders .

  3. 托马斯·萨恩斯(ThomasSaenz)是墨西哥裔美国人法律辩护和教育基金(MALDEF)的主席。

    Thomas Saenz is president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund ( MALDEF ) .

  4. 嗯,我是第三代墨西哥裔美国人。

    Well , I 'm a third-generation Mexican American .

  5. 然而,对于墨西哥人、以及一些墨西哥裔美国人来说,阿拉莫之围象征着耻辱和失败。

    For Mexicans , and some Mexican-Americans , however , it is a symbol of humiliation and defeat .

  6. 墨西哥裔美国人来到北方在这里的农场找工作,成为我们农业生产的支柱。

    Mexican Americans who travels north to find work on the farms and have since bacome the backbone of our agricultural industry ;

  7. 在一系列案例中,精神外科实验在3个囚犯身上进行过,一个黑人,一个墨西哥裔美国人,一个白人。

    In one set of cases , experimental psychosurgery was conducted on three inmates , a black , a Chicano and a white person .

  8. 美国军人攻击了穿着华丽的下垂西装,垫肩,裤口在脚踝处被扣住的墨西哥裔美国人和黑人男性。

    American servicemen attacked Mexican-American and black men who had embraced flamboyantly draped suits , padded at the shoulder and pegged at the ankle .

  9. 虽然其他拉丁美洲和美国的墨西哥裔美国人社区也有庆祝,但这一节日主要在墨西哥庆祝。

    That holiday is mostly celebrated in Mexico , although other parts of Latin American and Mexican-American communities in the U.S. have celebrations as well .

  10. 像非裔美国人那样,墨西哥裔美国人也逐渐进入那种实施种族隔离的次等学校,他们的辍学率在其它种族中是最高的。

    Like African-Americans , Mexican-Americans are increasingly relegated to segregated , substandard schools , and their dropout rate is the highest for any ethnic group in the country .

  11. 特列斯担心墨西哥裔美国人命中注定要跟随美国黑人的脚步,他们大部分人陷入了似乎贫穷和无所成就的境地。

    Tells fears that Mexican-Americans may be fated to follow in the footsteps of American blacks that large parts of the community may become mired in a seemingly state of poverty and underachievement .

  12. 他来自南方并且亲眼看到,当然,贫穷的黑人和墨西哥裔美国人及其他没有享受到社会的公平待遇。

    He was from the South and he had seen firsthand , of course , the poor blacks and the poor Mexican Americans and other who were not getting a fair break of the society .

  13. 在这天的活动中,德州圣安东尼奥市的墨西哥裔美国人希拉里奥·德拉朋纳扮演当年奉命前往德克萨斯维持治安的德圣安那·洛佩斯将军。

    At this re-enactment , staged on the ground where it happened , near the San Jacinto monument , Hilario de la Pena , a Mexican-American from San Antonio , Texas , played the role of Santa Anna , who was sent to Texas to restore order .