- 名Diffusion limitation;diffusional limitation

The relationship of luminous intensity between each group of samples , as well as variation trend with the implantation parameters were attributed to ionization effect of ion implantation and diffusional limitation mechanisms of defect formation .
Taking into account the effects of competitive product inhibition , inner diffusional limitation , substrate concentration and carrier size , the substrate distribution and the product distribution in carriers were investigated , and the effectiveness factors were also calculated over a wide range of parameters .
Co_2 diffusional and stomatal limitations of photosynthesis in Amomum villosum
This article described the developing phrase of fractal science , and briefly introduced the construction regulations of Diffusion Limited Aggregation Model .
Meanwhile , the diffusion of Ag suppresses the grain growth , and weakens the interparticle interactions .
The fractional dimensions of the film close to the theory value of DLA and the rotary radius agrees with the experiment results .
By comparing the results of TPR with those of pulse and flow technique , it was found that TPR was limited by diffusion in the main channel of HM.
The structure transitions in cluster cluster aggregation ( CCA ) and diffusion limited aggregation ( DLA ) under external electric fields have been investigated by computer simulations .
Beale model , diffusion confinement model and quantum confinement effect model are used to explain how porous silicon comes into being .
The new life was bought to the viscous fingering research , due to the presentation of DLA ( short for Diffusion-Limited Aggregation ) model , the type of fractal growth models .
The method of realizing optical wavelet transform ( OWT ) with Mexican hat wavelet function for diffusion limited aggregate ( DLA ) pattern is described in this paper .
We apply the diffusion-limited aggregation ( DLA ) model to simulate the feature and growth process of the dendritic structures that exist during the electrodeposition procedure , and made verifying tests . 3 .
The SAXS analysis show that the fractional dimensions of the film is larger than the theory value of Diffusion Limited Aggregation ( DLA ) and the clusters consist of a great number of small particles .
The Generalized Multi-particle Mie theory ( GMM ) method as well as the equivalent medium approaching method is introduced when studying the scattering characteristics of clusters particles . The diffusion-limited model ( DLA ) is adopted to establish the model of the scattering properties of soot clusters .
The fractal aggregation models of materials , including diffusion limited aggregation ( DLA ) model , kinetic cluster aggregation ( KCA ) model , and diffusion and chemistry limited aggregation ( DCLA ) model , are reported in this paper .
The influences of the density and energy distribution of sol particles on the sol-gel process and the variation relation between aerogel fractal dimensions and aerogel complication were researched by Diffusion Limited Cluster Aggregation ( DLCA ) model .
Effect of Cellulose Acetate Diffusion Restricting Membrane on the Glucose Biosensor
Simulation Studies on Diffusion - Limited Aggregation and Viscous Fingering
This research provides indirect evidence for dispersal limitation and niche theory .
Simulations of Plasma Etching Based on Diffusion Limited Erosion Model
Fabrication and Response Properties of Diffusion Limited Polyurethane Membrane of Glucose Sensor
Optical Wavelet Transform of Diffusion - limited Aggregate Pattern
In this paper , polyurethane diffusion limited membranes of glucose sensors were produced .
The response dynamics of glucose sensor based on polyurethane diffusion limited membranes was studied .
Study on the kinetics of immobilized enzyme reaction with internal diffusion limitation using single size particle
Diffusion Limited Aggregation Model
Cell density within aggregates is at tissue-like density , cell viability can be reduced due to diffusion limitations .
And the external mass transfer limitation could be eliminated when the stirring rate was more than 150 r / min.
The results indicated that glucose sensors'linear range were less than 2.78 ? mM without the addition of polyurethane diffusion limited membranes ;
Biological characteristics ( e.g. seed dispersal limitation ), and environmental heterogeneity may be the important mechanism to shape species spatial pattern in this area .