
shēnɡ wù jìn huà
  • biological evolution;biotic evolution
  1. 达尔文最终提出了生物进化的模型。

    Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution

  2. 遗传算法(GA即GeneticAlgorithm的简称)是一种由达尔文自然生物进化论改良而来的搜索问题的最优解方法。

    Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) is an improvement of search optimal solution method on the Darwinian natural biological evolution .

  3. DNA序列中含有丰富的生物学信息,记载了生物进化的历史。

    There are abundant biological information in DNA sequences , and the history of organism evolution was recorded by DNA sequences .

  4. 在有文字记载的历史的这一万年间,在人的DNA中不存在由生物进化带来的可察觉的变化。(人的脱氧核糖核酸没有变化。)

    There has been no detectable change in human DNA , brought about by biological evolution , in the ten thousand years of recorded history .

  5. 因此分析DNA序列的分形特性不仅有助于理解生物进化的规律,而且它还有助于了解遗传语言的特征。

    The analysis of DNA sequence not only helps us to find out rules in biological evolution but also understand the character of genetic language .

  6. 遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm,GA)是把生物进化论和遗传学原理应用于工程优化而创造出来的新的优化算法,在复杂问题的优化方面显示出了优良性能。

    Genetic algorithm ( GA ) is the application of evolutionism and genetics in engineering optimization , which is confirmed efficient especially in complex optimization problems .

  7. 遗传算法(GA)是通过模拟生物进化过程来达到自学习与优化的目的。

    Genetic algorithm ( GA ) is an optimal algorithm with the iteration that simulates the process of biologic evolution .

  8. 因此真核生物进化出了一套复杂的机制来确保DSB得到正确的修复。

    Eukaryotes have thus evolved complex mechanisms to efficiently repair DSBs .

  9. 遗传算法(GA)是一种在分子水平模拟生物进化过程来求解复杂问题的有效算法。DNA计算与GA两者天生就具有某种必然的联系。

    Genetic algorithm ( GA ) is similar as DNA computing in certain aspects , which is the simulation of the process of biological evolution at the molecular level .

  10. 由单一碱基在DNA序列中的相对位置法比较相似度,对于本研究中10个物种,得到了与生物进化树非常相一致的结果。

    The method of Tanimoto coefficient was used for the similarity comparisons between ten DNA sequences belonging to @ @ - globin gene in different species . The results agree with the phylogenetic tree satisfactory .

  11. 细菌Fe(Ⅲ)还原是生物进化过程中最早出现的生物能量代谢途径,多种古细菌和真细菌具有Fe(Ⅲ)还原能力。

    Bacterial Fe (ⅲ) reduction is an important pathway of bioenergy metabolism in the process of life evolution . Many kinds of archaebacteria and eubacteria are capable of reducing Fe (ⅲ) to conserve energy .

  12. 结构数据挖掘在XML文档挖掘,网页流量挖掘,生物进化的分析,路由选择,生物信息学,生物计算,通讯系统,图像数据库,城镇规划等诸多领域发挥重要作用。

    Structured mining plays an important role in XML documents mining , web page traffic mining , analysis of molecular evolution , packet routing , biological informatics , biological computing , communication system , image database and city management .

  13. Penna模型是基于无性繁殖的考虑生物进化问题的群体演化的模拟模型。

    The Penna model of biological aging is based upon asexual reproduction .

  14. 热休克蛋白(Heatshockprotein,HSP)是一类在生物进化过程中高度保守的应激蛋白,广泛存在于真核和原核生物体内。

    Heat shock proteins ( HSP ), highly conserved and widely distributed in all prokaryotes and eukaryotes , are generally considered as molecular chaperone that take part in the regulation of protein translation , import and folding .

  15. 同源盒基因(homeoboxgenes)在植物,动物,真菌的广泛存在说明这种结构在真核生物进化过程中高度保守,并暗示其具有重要功能。

    Homeobox genes widespread in plants , animals and fungi and are very conserved in eukaryotic evolution . These show homeobox genes play important roles in biological evolution .

  16. MAPK家族成员是一类在细胞内具有生物进化的高度保守性,并可以被多种细胞外信号所激活的丝/苏氨酸蛋白激酶。

    MAPK family is a highly conserved family of serine / threonine protein kinases in evolutionarily , and it can be activated by several extracellular signals .

  17. 分子进化与系统发育的基本关系就是在DNA水平探索生物进化的原因和机制,以生物大分子的信息推断生物进化的历史,重建系统谱系关系。

    The basic purposes of the study of the molecular evolution and phylogeny are to explore the mechanism of evolution of an organism at DNA level and to deduce the evolutionary history from that biological information in the form of a phylogenetic relationship .

  18. 其次,要把生物进化论放到人类文明进步的大背景中考察,在工业社会向信息社会过渡、物质科学范式向信息科学范式的转型中,认识ID理论的必然性和发展趋势。

    Secondly , the biology evolutionism is reviewed in the background of human civilization . The necessity and tendency of ID theory is known in the period from industrial society to information society as well as from material science to information science .

  19. 热休克蛋白60是一种高度保守的蛋白质,其编码基因groEL基因是生物进化中的保守成分。

    Heat shock protein is a highly conserved protein , whose encoding gene groEL constitutes to be the most conserved component in evolution .

  20. 文中利用一种模拟自然界生物进化过程的计算模型&遗传算法来实现GSE中智能代理管理器的调度策略。

    This paper adopts the genetic algorithm ( GA ) to realize the scheduling strategy of agent manager , which can simulate the evolution process of living things more lively and more efficiently .

  21. 自1859年Darwin的《物种起源》发表以来,生物进化理论是对自然科学和自然哲学发展的最重大贡献之一,进化论是生命科学中最重要的理论。

    Since THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES of Darwin was published in 1859 , the theory of biologic evolution has been one of the most contributions to the development of natural science and natural philosophy . Evolutionism is the most important theory in life science .

  22. 粘细菌(myxobacteria)是一类具有社会性行为的高等原核生物,具有复杂的多细胞行为和形态发生,在细胞分化、发育和生物进化研究中占有重要地位。

    Myxobacteria is a kind of higher prokaryote with social behavior . They have complicated cooperative motility behavior and appearance formation , so they are important to the research of cell differentiation , development and evolution .

  23. 电路进化设计是演化硬件(EvolvableHardware:EHW)的一个重要分支,通过模拟自然界生物进化过程可以在无需人为干涉的条件下通过进化操作来进行电路设计,也是演化硬件近年来的一个研究热点。

    Evolutionary circuit design is an important branch of the Evolvable Hardware : EHW , it has already become a research hotspot of EHW recent years . Evolutionary circuit design applies evolutionary techniques to design circuits without human intervention , which simulates the process of biological evolution .

  24. 生物进化的重大事件&陆地植物的起源及其研究的新进展

    Origin of land plants is an important event of life evolution

  25. 生物进化中的多肽生长因子探讨

    The inquiry about polypeptide growth factor in the Bio - evolution

  26. 维持细胞容量相对恒定是生物进化过程中逐渐形成的一种调节能力。

    Maintenance of constant cell volume is an evolutionarily ancient homeostatic process .

  27. 遗传与环境在生物进化中的关系

    The Relationship Between Heredity and Environment in the Biological Evolution

  28. 重新认识生物进化的根本原因

    Reconsider the fundamental cause of the evolution of living things recognizing school-base

  29. 生物进化与免疫系统的进化具有同步性。

    The evolution of organisms is synchronous with that of immune system .

  30. 该学科在解决一些生物进化的基本问题方面有巨大潜力。

    There was great potential in resolving basic organism evolution with Phylogenomics .