
  • 网络The biological world;Biology World;The world of living things
  1. 蚁群算法是一种源于大自然生物世界的新型仿生类算法。

    ACA is a new-type bionic algorithm which comes from the research on the biological world of nature .

  2. 瘟疫爆发者是巫妖王最新的实验成果其实验目的就是在整个生物世界散播恐怖和混乱。

    Plague eruptors are the latest experiment of the Lich king , designed to spread horror and chaos across the world of the living .

  3. 正是这样的科学研究,不仅在启迪我们对生物世界不断加深了解,而且也在更加快速地转变着我们的世界。

    And it 's this science , which is not only enlightening our understanding of the biological world , but also transforming our world faster than ever .

  4. 宏观世界演化是和微观的原子核反应息息相关的,中子理论的成功是否也可以预测分子生物世界中有没有“完全由中子组成的生物体”呢?

    While the evolution of the macro world is highly related to the nuclear reaction of micro world , can neuron theory also successfully predict that there exists no " organism consists wholly of neutron "?

  5. 它们同时也表明,麦克尼尔越来越倾向于把人类社会与生物世界和物理世界对应起来,用研究自然科学的方法来研究人类社会,可以称之为的科学世界历史观。

    At the same time , they show that McNeill was becoming more and more inclined to parallel human society with the biological and the physical world , subjecting human society to the natural laws .

  6. 衣橱里面有一个充斥着魔幻生物的世界&纳尼亚。

    Inside the wardrobe is a world filled with magical beings-Narnia .

  7. 学习数学(物理、化学、生物、世界历史、计算机科学)

    Study maths ( physics , chemistry , biology , world history , computer science )

  8. 我飞向的是你,从我的,不再有生物的世界。

    I fly to you , from me , no longer has a biological world .

  9. 而且,生活在亚马逊热带雨林的生物比世界上任何其他地方的都要多。

    Meanwhile , there 's more life in the Amazon than in any other places in the world .

  10. 影片中,人类在充斥着暴力、污染、毒气和恐怖生物的世界里挣扎求生。

    In the movie , mankind is struggling to survive in a violent , polluted world of poisonous gases and frightening creatures .

  11. 如果蝇作为模式生物被世界上许多实验室研究,就是因为它简单的遗传背景和短的生命周期。

    The insect Drosophila melanogaster , for instance , has been studied by many laboratories world-wide because of its simple genetic and short life-cycle .

  12. 《生物技术世界》主要面向四类读者,生物制品制造商、科学家、生物制品供应商、投资者。对模具及冲压界的供应商有所了解。

    Biotech World serves four constituencies in China including manufacturers of biotech products , scientists , suppliers of biotech equipment and investors . Knows supplier of stamping tooling .

  13. 供方应保证技术资料的完整、确和可靠。《生物技术世界》主要面向四类读者,生物制品制造商、科学家、生物制品供应商、投资者。

    The licensor should make sure that the technical data are complete , correct and reliable . Biotech World serves four constituencies in China including manufacturers of biotech products , scientists , suppliers of biotech equipment and investors .

  14. 丰富的寄主植物以及本身具有的多食性特性有助于B型、Q型等生物型在世界各地的广泛入侵。

    Multitudinous host plants and the inherent polyphagous characteristics enhance the wide invasion of B and Q biotypes in different counties .

  15. 国际能源机构(IEA)本周警告称,如果各国政府不立即采取行动,节约能源,投资于核电和生物燃料,世界就会从一个危机走向另一个危机。

    The world is on a course that will lead it from crisis to crisis unless governments act immediately to save energy and invest in nuclear and biofuels , the International Energy Agency warned yesterday .

  16. 生物经济给世界带来了前途无量的机遇。

    Bioeconomics has brought the world with an opportunity of unlimited future .

  17. 一个拥有无限的生物通路的世界,这些通路把树木连接起来,使得它们可以彼此沟通,

    a world of infinite biological pathways that connect trees and allow them to communicate

  18. 现在,作为生物技术的世界领导者,我们必须努力追赶。

    Now , after being a world leader in bio tech , we 've got to play catchup .

  19. “嗯,我有艺术史丸、生物丸和世界史丸。”药剂师答道。

    Well , I have pills for art history , biology , and world history , replies the pharmacist .

  20. 应用在物理,生物与社会世界的数学分支。

    The branches of mathematics that are involved in the study of of the physical or biological or sociological world .

  21. 如何有效防除船底附着生物已成为世界范围内共同关心的课题。

    How to prevent and remove effectively the marine growth has long been a common interest in the maritime world .

  22. 农作物生物技术在世界范围内取得了飞速发展,成功地培育出了一批优质高产的新品种。

    The worldwide success in crop biotechnology has been made and a considerable mount of genetically engineered plants with high quality and quantity have been produced .

  23. 对于精打细算的旅客来说,尼泊尔一直是绝佳的好去处。无论是该地区的徒步路线还是南部地区的野外生物,在世界范围内都是赫赫有名。

    Nepal remains a fabulous choice for budget-conscious travelers , whether it 's the country 's world-famous trekking routes or the wildlife in the southern region .

  24. 视觉系统是生物感知外部世界最形象、最丰富的通道,同时也是生物感官中结构和功能最为复杂的系统。

    Visual system is one of the most abundant channels to perceive the outside environment as well as the most complex sensory system in terms of structure and function .

  25. 大型蚤是水体生态系统中对农药十分敏感的生物,被世界各国列为农药登记中必测非靶标生物之一。

    As the key part of the natural water food chain , the Daphnia magna is very sensitive to pesticides and listed as the essential non-target organism in the pesticide registration .

  26. 外来生物入侵给世界各国的生态环境、社会经济等诸方面都带来了极大危害,成为引人关注的全球性问题。

    Alien species invasion has done great harm to the world on the aspect of social economy , environment and so on , which has been a hot problem of the globe .

  27. 香蕉穿孔线虫为我国重要进境检疫有害生物,在世界范围内对农林生产造成严重损失。

    The burrowing nematode , Radopholus similis ( Cobb ) Thorne , is an important quarantine pest in China . It causes serious losses to the agricultural production nearly all over the world .

  28. 目前,干旱、盐渍等非生物逆境遍及世界各地,己成为威胁植物生长和生态环境的主要因素。

    At present , the abiotic stress , such as drought and salt adversity , is occurring throughout the whole world , which has become one of the main factors that threating to plant growth and social stability .

  29. 你知道吗,森林的地下是另外一个世界,一个拥有无限的生物通路的世界,这些通路把树木连接起来,使得它们可以彼此沟通,也使森林表现得好像一个单独的有机体。

    You see , underground there is this other world , a world of infinite biological pathways that connect trees and allow them to communicate and allow the forest to behave as though it 's a single organism .

  30. 近些年,农作物生物技术在世界范围内取得了飞速的发展,一批抗虫、抗病、耐除草剂和高产优质的农作物新品种已培育成功。

    The worldwide success in crop biotechnology has been made in recent years , and a considerable mount of genetically engineered plants have been produced , with the characters of insect resistance , disease resistance , herbicide tolerance and high quality & quantity .