
hénɡ wēn dònɡ wù
  • homothermal animal
  1. 这些变化可能反映了异温动物(冬眠动物)的LDH同工酶基因的表达有不同于恒温动物的某些特点。

    These changes might reflect some different characteristics in expression of LDH isozyme genes between heterothermals ( hibernating animals ) and homothermals .

  2. 作为恒温动物,人类体温恒定地保持在36.7摄氏度左右。

    As warm-blooded animals , humans are hard-wired to keep our body temperature at around 98 degrees Fahrenheit .

  3. 这一情况使得这一种类的鱼比起其他鱼类最接近恒温动物特征,如鸟类和哺乳类。

    That makes this species the closest of any fish to the warm-bloodedness typical of birds and mammals .

  4. 下丘脑视前区和下丘脑前区为恒温动物的体温调节中枢。

    It is well know that the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus is the heat regulating center of homeotherm .

  5. 第一部分弓形虫棒状体蛋白16的致病机制研究刚地弓形虫是一种专性细胞内寄生原虫,可感染几乎所有的恒温动物。

    Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasitic protozoa , almost all of the warm-blooded animals can be infected .

  6. 因为恐龙属于爬行动物,而现代的爬行动物都不属于恒温动物,所以长期以来恐龙都被当作是变温动物。

    Because dinosaurs were reptiles , and modern reptiles are not endotherms , it was long assumed that dinosaurs were not endotherms .

  7. 这是因为人类非常独特,我们是所谓的恒温动物,我们的体温保持不变。

    And that 's to do with the fact that we are unique in that we are what 's called homeotherms mainly we keep the same temperature .

  8. 因此又出现了恒温动物(即保持恒定体温的动物)和变温动物(即体温随外界环境的变化而改变的动物)这一区分方式。

    Therefore the next distinction was made between animals that maintain a constant body temperature , called homeotherms , and those whose body temperature varies with their environment , called poikilotherms .

  9. 大白鲨是恒温动物,可以生活在不同温度水域,从澳大利亚沿海地区到南非,从加利福尼亚到美国北部等地区都有它们的身影。

    Great white sharks are warm blooded , which allows them to live in different water temperatures like the coastal regions of Australia , South Africa , California and the northern United States .

  10. 由于是恒温动物,体力又充沛,大白鲨能在水里自由穿梭,既可以在水面看到它们的身影,也可以在820英尺深的水底看到它们。

    Their warm blood and their power allows them to swim throughout the water , and it is not unusual to find them both on the surface and at depths up to 820 feet .

  11. 因为体型大,它们成了现存最大的恒温食肉动物。

    Their size makes them the largest warm-blooded animal predator currently in existence .