
  • 网络Star system;stellar system
  1. 科研小组推断认为,这个推动因素来自于包括太阳系在内的银河系内众多恒星系统之间的磁场作用。

    The scientific group infers believed that this impetus factor from including in solar system 's Milky Way between the numerous stellar system 's magnetic field function .

  2. 恒星系统内变星的平均周期越短系统的年龄越大,金属丰度也越低。

    For S Scuti variables in stellar systems the shorter the average period is , the lower the metallicity and the older the age of the stellar system are .

  3. 不管是哪一种下场,这颗叫做“WASP-18b”的行星可以为天文学家们提供丰富的资料来源,使他们了解影响所有恒星系统的微妙的引力平衡作用。

    Either way , the planet called WASP-18b should provide astronomers with a mother lode of data about the delicate gravitational balancing act that affects all solar systems .

  4. 然而,和卡因图一样,它的轨道是一个双恒星系统。

    Still , like Tatooine , it orbits a dual-star system .

  5. 是距离地球第四近的恒星系统,只有7.2光年的距离。

    It 's the fourth-nearest star system , just 7.2 light-years away .

  6. 圆型限制性三体问题中双恒星系统的存在性

    Existence of double star system in circular restricted three-body problem

  7. 其中,巨蟹座55是研究最充分、具有最多发现的恒星系统。

    One of the most well populated and well studied exo-planetary systems is55 Cancri .

  8. 不同的恒星系统不仅在性质上有很大差异,在空间分布上也有很大的不同。

    Different stellar systems have not only different properties but also different spatial distributions .

  9. 我们的星系被称为银河系,其中还存在其他的恒星系统。

    There are other systems also in our galaxy , which is called the Milky Way .

  10. 银河系除了场星外,还有非常多成团的恒星系统。

    In addiction to the field stars , there are many star clusters in the Milky Way .

  11. 所以,天文学家至今仍然不懈地探索更多恒星系统和行星。

    So for now , it 's another game of patience as astronomers continue probing more systems and discovering more planets .

  12. 此外,该圆盘异常明亮,说明其中含有许多物质。因此,这个恒星系统可能充满着彗星。

    It is also exceptionally bright , suggesting that it holds a lot of material-so the system may be swarming with comets .

  13. 由于他们谦卑,仙女座议会进行干预,帮助他们搬迁到一个完全不同的恒星系统。

    Due to their humility , the Andromeda Council intervened , stepped in and helped relocate them to a completely different star system .

  14. 在2008年,一篇发表在《墨西哥天文与天体物理杂志》的论文尝试把提丢斯-波得定则运用到这个恒星系统中。

    In2008 , a paper was published in the Mexican Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics attempting to apply the Titius-Bode rule to this system .

  15. 它不仅是我们,昴宿星人来协助;我们只是一个恒星系统的一个族群。

    It is not just that we , the Pleiadians , have come to assist ; we are only one grouping from one star system .

  16. HD85512b是唯一一个被称为超级地球的新行星,它位于其恒星系统的可居住地带。

    HD 85512 b is the only one of new planets , dubbed ' super-Earths ' that is located in its star system 's habitable zone .

  17. 可是,论文发表之后,巨蟹座55恒星系统的轨道特征发生了较大的改变,2008年的预测明显落伍了。

    However , since the paper was published , the orbital characteristics of the system have been revised significantly , throwing off the predictions of the2008 study .

  18. 该发现说明,恒星系统的形成通常是混乱而不可预测的,而且一些潜在的类地行星可能在这种混乱之中遭到毁灭。

    The findings indicate that solar system formation is often disorderly and unpredictable , and that some potential cousins of Earth may have been destroyed in the chaos .

  19. 恒星系统的计算机数值模拟和用于天体力学分析理论的计算机代数是计算技术在动力天文中的重要应用。

    The computer simulations of stellar systems and the computer algebra for implementation of analytical algorithms of celestial mechanics are important applications of computer technology to Dynamical Astronomy .

  20. 天文学家们发现了六颗巨大的行星,不规则的轨道表明它们在其恒星系统内发生碰撞,吞没了所有挡住去路的较小行星。

    Astronomers have found six large planets whose off-kilter orbits suggest that they crashed through their solar systems , swallowing any smaller planets that got in their way .

  21. 银河系中有许多成团的恒星系统,研究这些恒星系统对我们认识银河系的形成、结构和演化有重要的意义。

    There are thousands of stellar systems in the Galaxy , which is of great value for us to study the formation , the structure and even the evolution of the Milky Way .

  22. 首先,至少象这些行星这么大、甚至很可能更大的天体一定撞击过它们,使它们严重地偏离了原有的轨道,造成了其轨道明显地高于或低于恒星系统的平面。

    K.First , objects at least as large as these planets , and probably larger , must have shoved them severely out of their original orbits , probably well above or below the plane of their solar system .

  23. 我们完全知道做什么和如何平静的,有组织和谦恭的完成事情,因为我们有重构行星甚至整个恒星系统的方法,过去常常穿越宇宙并且呆在很多其它的实相里。

    We exactly know what to do and how to come on the matter from a pacific , organized and respectful way because we have reconstructed planets and even whole stellar systems often before crossing the universe and in many other realities .

  24. 一个恒星能量系统动力学模拟模型

    The imitative model of dynamics on the energy system of fixed star

  25. 太阳系外恒星行星系统的探测与研究进展

    The Progress of Exploring Extra-Solar Planetary Systems

  26. 实用恒星参考系统

    A practical reference system of star

  27. 星跟踪器是高精度和高灵敏度的导航和制导用传感设备,它利用天上的恒星为系统提供方向基准。

    Star tracker is a sensing system with high accuracy and sensitivity in the guidance and navigation . It offers the direction reference to the aircraft and spacecraft by the use of the celestial stars .

  28. 天文学研究发展趋势分析&恒星与恒星系统

    A Vista of Research in Astronomy : Stars and Stellar Systems

  29. 恒星是开放系统。

    The stars are open systems .

  30. 长期以来,天文学家们认为一颗恒星及其恒星系统是直接形成的。

    Astronomers have long thought that the formation of a star and its solar system was straightforward .