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  • geopolitics
  1. 统领全书的是哈尔福德麦金德爵士(SirHalfordMackinder)的影子,1904年他在皇家地理学会(RoyalGeographicalSociety)发表了一篇演讲,开辟了地缘政治学这门学科。

    Presiding over the book is the shade of Sir Halford Mackinder , who inaugurated the discipline of geopolitics with a 1904 Royal Geographical Society lecture .

  2. 马歇尔提供的东西堪比一份地缘政治学的阿特金斯(Atkins)减肥食谱:有大量地缘政治和军事分析的红肉,却没有什么比较清淡的食物——其他言论或者实地报告。

    Marshall offers a virtual Atkins diet of geopolitics : there is plenty of the red meat of geographical and military analysis with little lighter fare , in terms of other voices or on-the-ground reporting .

  3. 地缘政治学的性质:人&境关系的视角

    The Nature of Geopolitics : & A Man-Environment Relationship Perspective

  4. 那些问题实质上是些政治问题,而不是地缘政治学问题。

    Those problems are political in nature , not geopolitical .

  5. 地缘政治学处于这些中介演变的框架之内,并受它们的限定。

    Geopolitics developes within the frame of these media .

  6. 在国际战略研究中,地缘政治学已成为人们广泛使用的新的理论框架。

    Geopolitics has been widely used as a new theoretical frame in the research of international strategy .

  7. 在政治地理研究中,没有一个领域像地缘政治学那样引起如此多的争论。

    No other field gives rise to as many geopolitical arguments as the field of political geography .

  8. 美国21世纪中东战略的地缘政治学分析

    The Geopolitical Analysis of the United States ' Middle East Strategy in the 21 ~( ST ) Century

  9. 拉夫罗夫说,俄罗斯预期这种改变将反映出地缘政治学,全球经济和金融的新状态。

    Lavrov says Russia expects changes to reflect the new state of geopolitics , the global economy and finance .

  10. 决定论的地缘政治学从地理中寻求政治的权力来源和决策依据。

    The determinist geopolitics strongly believes that geography determines politics , makes the source of power and gives directions of decision-making .

  11. 这是一则扣人心弦的故事,讲述的是高深的地缘政治学与卑劣狡诈的伎俩,关键在于谁能坐到哪个位置。

    It is a gripping tale of high geopolitics and low cunning , and it is all about who gets to sit where .

  12. 作者在文章中首先从地缘政治学的历史及其汉语翻译的角度,以及从地缘政治与地理的关系,澄清了地缘的概念。

    In this paper the auther clarifies first the concept of geo in the word of geopolitics from the angles of geopolitical history and China 's interpretation of this word , from the relationship between geopolitics and geography .

  13. 本文从打击三股势力的现实意义出发,具体阐述如下内容:第一章使用地缘政治学理论的研究方法,论述了中亚地区的战略意义。

    This thesis clarifies in detail the realistic significances of fighting against the " three forces " as follows : The first part of the thesis analyzes the important strategic role of Central-Asia with the view of geopolitical theory .

  14. 北约东扩有着久远的地缘政治理论根基,马汉的海权论、麦金德的陆权论以及历史上德国的战争地缘政治学和法国的地缘政治学理论无不包含了对欧洲权力意义的论证。

    It has long historical linkage with the geopolitical theories , including Mahan 's " Sea-Power Theory ", Mackinder 's " Land-Power Theory ", and German " Geopolitik " and French " Geopolitique ", all of which had demonstrated the significance of European power .